The Forbidden Truth About Vitamins. Aleksandra Mikic
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Название: The Forbidden Truth About Vitamins

Автор: Aleksandra Mikic

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781619337626


СКАЧАТЬ ection>


      The Forbidden Truth About Vitamins

      what you don’t know will hurt you

      Aleksandra Mikic

      Copyright © 2012 Aleksandra Mikic

      This book is written for educational purposes only. For your specific health issues, contact a qualified professional.

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

      The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.



      I dedicate this book to my son and the future generations.

      May it help you reach your true potential.


      My thanks to all the nutritional pioneers for their work and wisdom.

      To all the fine people at Standard Process Inc. for keeping Dr. Royal Lee’s principles alive.

      To Karen Robinson for editing and support.


      “…Science, with the progressive disappearance of original participation, is losing its grip on any principle of unity pervading nature as a whole and the knowledge of nature…There is no ‘science of sciences;’ no unity of knowledge. There is only an accelerating increase in that pigeon-holed knowledge by individuals of more and more about less and less…” - Owen Barfield

      Such a strong title for a book about vitamins deserves an explanation, don’t you think? Why would anyone want to forbid the truth about something as simple as a vitamin? It’s because a vitamin is not simple at all - its reality is more elegant and complex than we can hope to imagine.

      The truth about these catalysts of life is intertwined with the life missions and legacies of great nutritional pioneers, as well as some powerful entities bent on destroying them and their message. Their individual stories are beyond the scope of this book - suffice it to say that men have been persecuted, threatened and jailed for promoting the truth you are about to read.

      As a consequence of such persecution, and the overtaking of the educational system, we are now faced with the so-called experts who view nature in a fractionated, quantitative, material way, devoid of life and wonder. Many of those “experts” are prescribing drugs for what is clearly a nutritional deficiency - but how would you know that unless you understand what vitamins are and do?

      Unfortunately, we are also deceived in our thinking that alternative practitioners always have the right information. Most of them have acquired their education in “approved” schools which means that they too have been “doctored.” Real education is like a pearl - hard to find, but well worth the effort.

      You will learn that a vitamin is not a substance. You will learn about vitamins that the FDA claims do not exist but which your life may depend on. And you will learn about intricate relationships these vitamins forge to carry on the living processes, as well as what goes wrong when one is missing and how to spot the deficiency early.

      We are caught in a vicious cycle. Lack of proper education hides the truth about how to properly nourish ourselves, and lack of nourishment makes our minds malfunction. Then we become susceptible to anyone’s influence, which in turn makes us accept faulty education. Why is it so important to break out of this cycle?

      We live in a holographic universe, where a change in one aspect may lead to a change in all of them. Grasping the living truth on the subject of vitamins may not just save your physical life and health but enliven all of your thought processes - it may rescue your mind from the clutches of materialism.

      This book is my humble attempt to pass on the living truth that honours our dynamic nature and all the brave scientists who have carried this truth forward into our time.

      Three Nutritional Giants

      While our history is brimming with great minds, I will tell you just a little bit about the achievement of three men. All three have left a large legacy, yet what each is most famous for combines into a triune function that shines a bright light at the end of the nutritional maze.

      I encourage you to read their works, and must warn you that a simple search on them is as likely to bring up the “quackwatch” as actual facts. As always, bring your own sound judgement and lots of grains of salt to any research adventure. If most people understood the importance of the truths these men spoke of, whole industries would have toppled, and that is not an exaggeration. Therefore, powerful interests really don’t want you to see that light at the end of the maze.

      Weston Price (1870-1948) was a dentist who travelled the world in search of people with healthy teeth and skeletal structure. He found them in all the places where western civilization had not yet touched the way of life.

      Even though the diets of the native peoples varied greatly due to their geographical location, they all had something in common - they ate nutrient dense foods, and the higher the vitamin and fat content, the more prized the food was. This was, of course, instinctual knowledge and wisdom, since they did not study their foods.

      The health and the physical structure of people eating traditional living foods revealed that they had reached their genetic potential. They were well developed with strong and correct skeletal structure, wide cheekbones and jaws that fully accommodated all the teeth, and the difference between male and female structure was clear and noticeable.

      However, as soon as a traditional society had access to refined foods, the skeletal structure began to deteriorate, the teeth developed caries, the faces and jaws became narrow, the birthing more difficult, the difference between males and females less pronounced, and the difference between siblings more pronounced.

      Sadly, mental and moral deterioration parallels the physical, and even US President Hoover said in 1955 that people who are starved (whether literally or malnourished) become the parents of the world’s bandits and gangsters.

      Look around you, at your family, at the people walking on the street, at the mirror - look at kids who are our future - what do you see? I see kids wearing braces because their jaws are too narrow, being put on drugs to help them focus. I see boys with narrow shoulders, and girls with narrow hips who, if not sterile, will probably be scheduling C-sections, because giving birth will be too difficult. I also see commercials that claim that fluoride will help protect our teeth from cavities, and I can almost hear the starved brains poisoned with fluoride crying for nourishment.

      Weston СКАЧАТЬ