Massa's Back but Now He's Black?. J. Calvin Tibbs
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Название: Massa's Back but Now He's Black?

Автор: J. Calvin Tibbs

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 9781619334106



      Massa’s Back but Now He’s Black?

      The Spirit of Slavery has Returned to America

      J. Calvin Tibbs

      Copyright © 2012 J. Calvin Tibbs

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

      The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.



      This book is graciously dedicated to those who want to follow Jesus Christ, but find it difficult because of all the noise and shifting shadows. To the prayer warriors who travail in prayer, and to my loving family who took a deep breath with me as this project unfolded. Lastly, and most importantly, I dedicate this work to the Holy Spirit whose leadership provided the courage to keep stepping beyond the fear man.


      I would like to acknowledge the wonderful person of the Lord Jesus Christ who is soon to return. His insights and direction are indispensable and my heart rejoices over His life changing mandates. Thank you Lord for your prophetic guidance and for the next generation plans which will rock this planet with Your great love.


      This book is about the spiritual state of a divided America, its leaders and the relentless influences that affect its people. As the return of Jesus grows ever closer, several events must take place-giving way to God’s masterpiece, His glorious church, which is emerging right before our eyes. Lies today are so easily accepted, processed and then dismissed. At times, there is little difference between the “right,” the “left,” politicians and preachers. Meanwhile, political firestorms and social unrest continue to make headlines with little attention given to the winds that provide source to the dilemma. Once the approaching disturbances intensify, those in search of safety will have ample opportunity to find refuge. A safe haven and comfort will be highly sought after during this period, and those who follow instructions will receive rest as provided by the Spirit of the Living God.

      Spiritual forces play a powerful yet unsuspecting role in all of our lives, but some have trouble expressing belief in an unseen realm. There is no denying the visible representation of things that don’t make sense. For example, what rational explanation can be given to a lone gunman who shoots and kills innocent people at a movie theater? A less daunting expression of spiritual activity can be found in those moments when someone you’ve been thinking about suddenly calls, or contacts you. As simplistic as this may sound, thoughts, motivations, and interests are all spiritual in nature.

      So what does all of this have to do with this book? Great question! Everything! This writing should awaken the spiritual senses of each reader and bring light to a very important question. After all the political fighting is over and the casting of votes is now done, “What will You do about Jesus?” Most of us from afar observe the love and admiration our President has for his family. Our prayer therefore is that this will translate in the same toward the nation of people he leads. As we pray for the President, let’s all agree that God’s purpose for his leadership prevails. Further, ask our Heavenly Father to reveal the hidden influences that adversely affect his decisions. And finally, give due consideration to your role as a citizen, not as a complaining/non-praying bystander, but as one who understands the account that must be given to God for the assignment you were given at birth.

      A Brief History

      America declared its independence from British rule on July 4th, 1776. We are a unique country in that its Founding Fathers left their birthplace in pursuit of a new land where God could be worshipped without government oppression. The purpose of their departure centered on a people’s deep desire to have relationship with God. This too marked the purposeful departure of God’s chosen people, the Children of Israel. Few nations have their origin in such a powerful dynamic.

        Exodus 3:10 KJV Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.

      A significant number of the Founding Fathers were members of the clergy who both preached in pulpits and shared their views about God in harmony with their service in public office.1 The nation was so immersed in Christian ethic that the very first (1st) elementary textbook, the New England Primer, became the 1st textbook printed in America. Introduced in Boston, Massachusetts in 1690, students were taught how to read and count for nearly 200 years using this book. From 1690-1900 this country’s 1st graders would learn to read using quotes from the Bible. Students were instructed to memorize the phrases while learning the alphabet. For example, letters A thru Z were linked with a Bible verse which students were expected to memorize. The letter “A” is taken from Proverbs (Pro.) 10:1 “A wise son makes a glad Father, but a foolish son is a heaviness of his Mother”. “B” Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure and trouble therewith, as found in (Pro.) 15:16. “C” Come unto Christ all ye that labor and are heavy laden and He will give you rest. The reference is found in Matthew (Matt.) 11:28. In a similar manner, all remaining alphabets were linked to Bible verses.2 This 1st Grade book also contained questions like, “What is the 5thCommandment and what is forbidden in the 6thCommandment?” The students of yesterday all received a Bible-Based, Christ-Centered education.3 Today our schools forbid or discourage any such discussion about the God of the Bible, claiming the marriage between churches and state as unthinkable.

      What happened to this level of reverence and fear of the Lord? Who thought removing the Word of God in public places was a good idea? Since then, has anyone noticed the severe declines in morality now that God is on the sidelines? A once robust nation now sputters to produce the quality of goods and services it was once known for. The fallout can be seen in every sector of American life. From housing to industry, “For Sale” and “Out of Business” signs have become far too abundant. Meanwhile, the portrait of the nation’s migration away from Christ is virtually absent from school textbooks, in the media and in churches. Yet, the sharp declines in SAT scores, the skyrocketing increase of sexually transmitted diseases, a heart breaking number of pregnancies among girls age 15 and under, and similar disturbing facts, get reported as a normal way of American life.4

      Is there a connection between Godlessness and moral decay? Sure there is. This compelling data should bring the nation’s brightest minds together for in depth trend analysis. However, since God is involved, the intellectual won’t even touch it. Strange that there is no study tying the relationship between prayer being taken out of schools in 1962 with the breathtaking increase in divorces. The year prayer was removed, between 1962 and 1981, the number of divorces tripled each year.5 What’s the connection? The simple answer is obvious. Remove prayer, and the covers of protection are removed. Ignore God, and something else will occupy that space.

      In July 2007, presidential candidate Barack Obama told CBN news that “America is no longer just a Christian nation” but a nation of several religions.6 In fact, the nation’s earliest text books, constitution, and inscriptions all reference the Christian God, not all СКАЧАТЬ