Crystal Grids - The Basics. Charles Alonzo McAlpine
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Название: Crystal Grids - The Basics

Автор: Charles Alonzo McAlpine

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781456621957


СКАЧАТЬ ection>



      Crystal Grids - The Basics

      Copyright @2014 by Charles McAlpine

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2195-7

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews without prior written permission of the publisher.

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      “The Magic of Crystals” App for iPhone/iPad is available on iTunes

      Book Cover Design, Layout and Publishing: Michelle Radomski,

      Disclaimer: The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have any questions or concerns, you are encouraged to consult your physician or a qualified health care practitioner before any purchase.



      There are a number of people who have been an important part of my personal evolution, which make the content of this book possible. This book is dedicated to them, as I am eternally grateful for their love, encouragement and support.

      To Jeanine and Leza of Lucid Living who offered loving direction at a time when I heard the calling and longed for something deeper—yet had no idea that I was searching for myself. They introduced me to crystals for the first time and helped to awaken a passion and joy that feeds my Heart and Soul daily.

      The Storm Wisdom family: Gisela, Victoria, Shirley, Stephanie, and Millie have been instrumental in calling me forth and inviting me to be more of who I am. Their unwavering support and dedication to the ideals of intentional living fosters an environment that promotes creativity and individuality. They motivate and inspire me, simply by being who they are.

      To Ruthie Dow, better known as “Mom,” for always supporting and loving me, even when it is hard to comprehend how, what and why I do what I do! You have always inspired me.

      Finally, to Astolfo Licea, my husband and my foundation: There are no words to describe the wonder and joy you bring to my life. Everything I do, is enriched by being with you.

      —Table of Contents—


      —An Introduction to Crystal Grids—


      The purpose of this workbook is to provide an understanding on how to build crystal grids to use as a meditation practice to focus your intentions. It’s an effective way to foster clarity, along with alignment between the conscious and subconscious mind.

      If you are collecting crystals, you are probably creating crystal grids, even if you are not aware of it! A crystal grid is created when you place or combine two or more crystals in proximity to one another. This combination creates a unique synergy between the crystals that feels different than each of the individual crystals on their own… not better, just different.

      Some examples of possible crystal grids you may already have in your home or office might be a small dish of crystals beside your bed, or on a shelf in the family room where you keep and display them. You may have garden crystals that you’ve arranged in your outdoor space. As you add or remove crystals or stones to any of these collections, it shifts or changes the way that collection feels. Each collection of crystals is a grid! You may have already set some intentions with these grids whether you’re aware of it or not. As an example, you may be placing the collection on the shelf with the idea that the colors and shapes will add beauty and interest to the space. The beauty and visual impact of these crystal grids then affects each person who experiences your collection.

      If you would like to take your crystal grids to the next level and really amplify their potency, start building them with purposeful intention! To do this, simply decide what you want the grid to represent. Once you have chosen an area of focus or reason for the grid, there are several other things to consider—like the location, size and shape of the layout and perhaps the length of time the grid will be in place.

      The primary emphasis will be on building crystal grids as a meditation practice, although many of the ideas and suggestions presented will be applicable to long-term and/or static crystal grids as well.

      —There Are No Rules!—


      Creating a crystal grid is a potent way to tap into and amplify the energies of your intentions. With that being said, one of the traps to watch out for is “worrying about the rules and regulations” of creating your personal grid. The truth is: THERE ARE NO RULES! So there is nothing you have to learn, know or memorize about this personal process.

      At the same time there are many options for creating your grid, including where you place it, the crystals and other contributing elements, and how long you keep that grid in place. As you spend more time creating crystal grids, you will find that it is an ever-evolving process. What resonates with you one day may be replaced with something else the next. Simply allow the process of building your crystal grid to expand over time.

      I continue to learn and change my thinking about the “rules” I have set up for myself as I am creating these daily crystal grids! For example—the shape of a spiral in a crystal grid. Normally when I find myself working with or even thinking of a spiral, I intend that if the spiral is going in a clockwise direction, it is bringing something “in.” Conversely, if I am wanting to release something, I intend that the spiral is going in a counter-clockwise direction.

      One day, however, my focus or intention for the crystal grid I was building was to bring in more creative ideas. That means if I were to follow my own ‘rule’ then I would have created the spiral going clockwise!

      I didn’t realize that it was actually going in the opposite direction (counter-clockwise) until it was completed! My initial thought was, “I have to redo it”! Then I remembered that the rules I had about spirals were of my own creation! Guess what? I can change or break my own rules any time I choose! So, for that particular day, ‘counter-clockwise’ meant “generating and bringing in”!!!

      Another thing that occurred to me while I was building this crystal grid was that my pendulum ALSO worked counter-clockwise on this day as I was activating the grid! I smiled СКАЧАТЬ