The Chronicles of Articia; Children of the Dead. K.D. Enos
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Название: The Chronicles of Articia; Children of the Dead

Автор: K.D. Enos

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Историческая фантастика


isbn: 9781456615697




      The Chronicles of Articia

      Children of the Dead


      K.D. Enos

      and by

      Edward Enos


      ©2013, K.D. Enos

      First Edition

      Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1569-7


      Special thanks to,

      Editor: Joan M. Flaherty, Maynard MA

      Illustrator: Dylan McCusker, Westford MA

      For Shauna Lee Cotte, thank you for providing the spark that helped Katie to become a remarkable person.

      Chapter 1

      Divided We Fall

      “The children have been born." Meriab Coralm, the healer, spoke at a whisper to the Oracle.

      The Oracle nodded.

      "So the prophecy is true!" Duke Marquin shook his head as he entered the antechamber of the royal birthing room. He picked up the boy and looked into his eyes, "They must be separated for the sake of the kingdom. They cannot be allowed to know that more than one child was born to the queen today."

      Meriab frowned uneasily, "This is treason, Duke. Be cautious. It may be safer for them to stay together. The king will never allow you to separate his children." The Oracle nodded in agreement.

      Duke Marquin shook his head, "The king does not have to know. It is best for the kingdom and children if they are separated." The Oracle was about to speak but was cut off by the duke.

      "It must be done. This is all I will hear on the matter, they will not stay together!"

      The Oracle and the healer walked back into the birthing room to tend to the queen. The duke swore and turned to his advisor. "Prepare a squad and a nursemaid to transport the children to my northern estate. We will decide where to send them after things have settled."

      His aide responded uneasily, "Milord, the healer, and the Oracle will protest; they will be difficult."

      "FIND A WAY!" The duke stormed out of the room.

      The aide weighed the duke's command and called over the night guard. "Arrange transport immediately." He looked into the birthing room; the queen had been unconscious since the first child was born. Was she unaware that she had birthed more than one babe? He looked at the healer and the Oracle …

      Chapter 2

      Training Grounds

      Dominic, the crown prince of Articia, sighed inwardly as he stood before the two stubborn children with their arms crossed. Both had coal-black hair and stormy, gray eyes, unlike his and the king, their father. They were no longer the same height, as they had been as toddlers. Nevertheless, they were definitely twins, in all the worst ways. The only other difference was their gender-by far the most important factor in most of the kingdom of Articia. Dominic stared at the training room wall. The tapestry draped there was an important part of the royal training program. On it was the map of the entire kingdom of Articia and beyond.

      The tapestry showed the regions of the kingdom as it stretched widely across Greater Articia, Which is the largest known kingdom; Articia dominated the neighboring lands of Martenic, Cyrus, and Husteria, as well as the Dulst city-states to south and the Mildanar tribes to the north. Within the great kingdom were many farming communities, nobles' estates, and of course the city of Articia, where the king resided.

      To Dominic's right stood his younger brother, Prince Aleczander, with arms crossed, lips puckered, and a very serious, angry look on his face. It conveyed his great disappointment at the world for displeasing him. Dominic had to chuckle. Even though Alec was a mere eight years of age, it did not hinder the power in his glare, whether he was looking at his older brother and the heir apparent of Articia or not.

      Next to Alec stood his twin sister, Ava, looking like the beautiful goddess Adara herself. In fact, he often pondered how much his little sister resembled the statue of the deity in the great Temple of Adara. Dominic had seen it only once, when he took his first pilgrimage to the rolling hills of Westwood just north of the Adaran River.

      He remembered that trip fondly; he had traveled with his family to the noble estate of Sir Dale of Westwood for the first time. The summer festival was one of the largest he had ever attended. Priestesses and priests of the goddess as well as people from all around the known world traveled to Westwood to participate.

      The Temple of Adara was a remarkable structure. Built into the hillside, the temple entrance was only visible from the east. In the center of the temple was a large opening to the sky and under the opening was a twenty-foot statue of Adara cradling a baby in her arms. During the summer solstice celebration, the moon passes over the opening and lights the statue, bringing the goddess and the child to life, or so it seemed.

      Dominic remembered how feminine Ava had seemed then in her party attire. Today Ava was in the borrowed tunic and trousers of her brother, which were rather tight since she was now an inch or two taller than Aleczander. Ava had crossed her arms in a ridiculous attempt to look as angry as her twin was, but in her eyes, Dominic saw pleading.

      Dominic could see that she intended to train with Alec and any other option would be unacceptable to Ava. The heir apparent turned to his brother Tristan for help, but Tristan, who had recently turned twelve, just shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. Dominic would receive no help from Tristan today.

      The stubbornness of the royal twins was common knowledge in Castle Articia. Three years ago, when his mother had told them Ava was not to take the same classes as Aleczander from their private tutor, they didn't move from their chairs in the dining room for a whole day. Eventually, the nursemaids carried them off to their room when they fell asleep. This continued for many days. The queen finally decided that for both their welfare and the well-being of everyone in the royal hall, Ava would take lessons with Alec.

      Now, on his eighth birthday, when he was to start his training to become a warrior prince of Articia, Aleczander had arrived at the training grounds … with his sister. When she refused to leave and Alec refused to let her go, Bryn, the weapon master, called for Dominic and Tristan. Only they could sway the course of the twins when they set their mind on something.

      "See what I mean?" Bryn chuckled.

      "With СКАЧАТЬ