How to Do Everything Wrong In Real Estate and Still Be Successful. Franklin Cruz
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Название: How to Do Everything Wrong In Real Estate and Still Be Successful

Автор: Franklin Cruz

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781456614249





      And Still Be Successful…~ 1 ~

      by Franklin Cruz

      Copyright 2013 Franklin Cruz,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1424-9

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise except the use of brief quotations in reviews without obtaining prior permission in writing from the Publisher.

      S&B Publishing

      550 N. Reo Street

      Suite 300

      Tampa, Fl 33609

      Mom, I pray every day that I had one last minute to spend with you, or that I could see your face just one last time. You are the inspiration for everything I do. May God allow you to read this book in Heaven. I love you.


      I would not be in a position to write this book, or run a successful business, if it were not for the influence of some very special people.

      First of all I’d like to thank my father, Eli Cruz. You’re truly the best Father a son could ever have.

      My Stepmother, Barbara Cruz, who stepped right in and became the best stepmom anyone could ever ask for.

      My wife Bridgette, the best wife, woman, mother, singer and business woman I have ever met or will ever know. I love you eternally.

      My little football player Alex - you’re the best son - and to my twins that are coming. May God bless you every day.

      To the future young Billionaires: My brothers Jordan and Caleb, and my little sister Savannah.

      Sincere thanks to my Pastors for my spiritual encouragement.

      My friends and extended family, who all helped in one way or another.

      Most of all, I’d like to thank those individuals who thought this book would never be written. Thank you, because you are the main reason it is finished!


      What is a Real Estate GURU?

      A Guru is the following:


Someone with a reputation as an expert leader, teacher, or practitioner in a particular field.


A revered guide, mentor, or adviser in spiritual or intellectual matters.

      But what is a Real Estate Guru? The above definition is accurate except for a couple of absent words. It is someone who is a Master of ALL in the game of Real Estate - not someone who just knows a few things. He is a true Mastermind who understands the ART of Real Estate investing.

      I am not talking about making an extra $1,000 or $10,000, but how you can potentially make a $1,000,000.00 or more in one year.

      Think about it. If you only know how to make money doing one thing in Real Estate, that is great - but if you master of aspects of the business, which I call the “Big Seven,” that is something else altogether.

      The Big Seven

      1. Legal (Probate and Estate Sales)

      2. Wholesaling

      3. Rehabbing

      4. Flipping

      5. Mentorship

      6. Financing

      7. Being Honest!

      Once you can master all of these disciplines, you can make money seven different ways!

      Of course you must realize you have to crawl before you walk, and then walk before you run. Walking in Real Estate Investing is just getting started. You need to get into the race first before you can win it.

      Now that you are involved remember, every battle will cause you to suffer some wounds. I have been to war, and one thing I learned is no matter what happens it will change you and you will be scarred and wounded in one way or another. It can be emotional or physical, but you will be changed.

      Real Estate Investing is a business, so remember – every day is war. It is not normal or easy for people to thrive and become wealthy. If it was normal or easy, every lazy or idiotic person would be a mutli-millionaire – and there obviously aren’t many people like that running around. Why? Because people don’t like to go to war. There are very few people in this world who actually like the Real Estate Investing business – mainly because it isn’t easy in the beginning.

      Always remember your Real Estate Investment business is just that, and all businesses are the same. They are like children. Take the following comparison to heart.

      When a child is born, it is the most beautiful thing in the world. You believe your child will be one day the President of the United States, or a doctor, lawyer, etc. They will be a Success! Businesses are exactly the same. When you start out you have high expectations - it will be a super success in no time!

      Unfortunately, like raising kids, the beginning it is the toughest part. In the beginning kids cry, yell, don’t listen, have a mind of their own, and just act crazy sometimes. Businesses are exactly the same. In the beginning you have to spend so much time taking care of them, making sure everything is in place - but still everything goes wrong because you have no experience doing what you’re doing. It is trial and error period. You are up in the middle of the night taking care of problems, people are constantly calling, and you are still trying to grasp the whole concept of being a business owner. Do you see the resemblance between kids and business yet?

      Your goal for your children is that one day they will walk and eat and wake up all by themselves. Business is the same. You pray it will become mature enough to build a reputation all by itself, and that people will be drawn to your company and want to do business with you. Your “child” will have achieved your goal. Building a good reputation because you have raised your “child” the right way is imperative. If you do it right, it will treat you right!

      Chapter One

      Building СКАЧАТЬ