Tune-Up and Thrive: Sharing Secrets to Total Health and Wellness. Dr. Ed Ph.D. Chicoine
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Название: Tune-Up and Thrive: Sharing Secrets to Total Health and Wellness

Автор: Dr. Ed Ph.D. Chicoine

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781456602581




      Tune-up and Thrive

      Sharing Secrets to Total Health and Wellness

      Dr. Ed Chicoine and Tim Scapillato

      Copyright 2011 Dr. Ed Chicoine and Tim Scapillato,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0258-1

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      The vast majority of people want to live a long life but nobody wants to grow old. Good health means different things for everyone, but one thing that is abundantly evident in our North American society is that, for many people, the health span does not equal the life span. A life with some form of physical or mental ailment is considered the norm for many in their so-called golden years. Good health is our birthright. It is also our responsibility, and not anyone else’s, to realize our genetic potential for optimum health.

      Each one of us has four dimensions: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Their interconnectedness is what makes us whole, which is the definition of health. To be truly whole we must connect to all four dimensions because they are the essential pillars of wellness and preconditions to the enjoyment of life to the fullest.

      The actions that you take this day and every day will determine the level of your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional health.

      Countless books have been written with great advice on attaining higher levels of health. I have read my fair share of them throughout the years because I have a keen interest in discovering the latest information so I can personally benefit and also to share what I have learned with my patients. The most articulately expressed ideas on health may be wasted if not presented in an understandable manner and in an entertaining style.

      Rather than boring you with a list of how to’s, charts and studies, Tune-up and Thrive was created to inspire, entertain and inform you. Through our fictional characters you will be taken on a journey of discovery and along the way you will be given tools to create a life full of health and happiness. If good physical health, a sound mind, emotional well-being and a peaceful spiritual nature are desirable goals to achieve in your life, then you will find our approach fun, enjoyable and rewarding.

      If you have decided to read this book and follow the advice it offers, you have already made a commitment to improve your health and I commend you for that. We are all free to adopt a healthy lifestyle or to follow one that is destructive to ourselves and the loved ones who surround us. But that freedom is accompanied by obligations. The Irish writer George Bernard Shaw once remarked that “liberty means responsibility—that is why most men dread it.” Learn the secrets to total wellness and you will discover how to connect to the source of your health, which is within. The human body is its own best apothecary and there are no expiry dates on the prescriptions filled by the body itself.

      My wife, Gaye, and our six children have adopted a lifestyle based on the principles outlined in this book and we have enjoyed great results. It has been a rewarding process and we would like to pass on to you what we have learned, and continue to learn every day. In truth, we can never achieve 100% perfect physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, and that is what makes this a lifelong journey.

      Five of our six children were born in our home. In each case, the entire birthing process lasted no more than two hours. At each birth, the other children were present and took part in the event, welcoming their new sibling into the family. They have a keen awareness that the birth process is a miracle, an enjoyable occasion, and a celebration of life.

      In January 1997, we took our family on an adventure of a lifetime, travelling from Canada to the bottom of South America and back over a three-year period. We met people from all cultures and backgrounds who also have a keen interest in learning how to achieve optimum health. We sensed a strong desire and movement toward a more natural and environmentally friendly way of living.

      If these principles are based on natural, innate lifestyle choices, why do we call them secrets? In fact, they are not secrets at all. But, because the majority of people in our society choose not to follow them, they might as well be secrets. The impact of these principles and their widespread adoption and application would be revolutionary.

      It may sound simplistic to state that nature has all the answers, but in this case, the old adage that “if it sounds too good to be true, it must be” does not apply. It really is both simple and revolutionary. You have the power within yourself to take the first step and accept responsibility for your health. Learn the principles in this book, uncover the “secrets”, and spread the word to your friends and relatives. If you embrace a new way of thinking and believe that you can change your lifestyle, you can make it happen and reap benefits for the rest of your life.

      Writing this book took a lot of time and effort. It captures years of research and personal experience in a story that I hope you will find interesting, entertaining, and educational.

      It would be pointless to produce a book such as this unless it got into the hands of people who need to read the messages and implement changes in their lives. I know that the more people that implement what this book teaches, the more positive the impact will be.

      I believe so strongly in our message that my whole family began a run across Canada and the United States on May 8, 2011 in order to spread the message to as wide an audience as possible. It’s a good testament when my wife and six children also believe in our message and want to make a difference in the world.

      We are running to make a change in the way people view health and to inspire people to take responsibility by implementing positive health habits. It is a huge undertaking by eight people working together for a common purpose.

      We hope you will join us on our journey. Please check out our website for more details: www.marathonofhealth.com

      Ed Chicoine, D.C.

      Wakefield, Quebec

      PS: As a health practitioner for the past 28 years I have been studying and learning as much as I can about improving bodily functioning. Presenting these ideas in the form of a story is a task I could not have done by myself. I was very fortunate to have worked with Tim Scapillato, who has been a patient of mine for the last 25 years. Based on my ideas we created the characters and story line and then Tim put it all together in the form of a fictional story with a real message. I hope that Tune-up and Thrive will inspire you to take more responsibility for your health. Thank you, Tim, for making this possible and for your patience in working through my notes.

      A message from the co-author

      In the mid-1980s, shortly after I moved to Wakefield, Quebec, Dr. Ed Chicoine opened his chiropractic clinic in the heart of this quaint village nestled in the Gatineau Hills, on the banks of СКАЧАТЬ