A U-Turn on the Road to Serfdom. Grover Norquist Glenn
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Название: A U-Turn on the Road to Serfdom

Автор: Grover Norquist Glenn

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Банковское дело

Серия: Hobart Papers

isbn: 9780255366694




      First published in Great Britain in 2014 by

       The Institute of Economic Affairs

      2 Lord North Street


      London SW1P 3LB

      in association with London Publishing Partnership Ltd


      The mission of the Institute of Economic Affairs is to improve public understanding of the fundamental institutions of a free society, with particular reference to the role of markets in solving economic and social problems.

      Copyright © The Institute of Economic Affairs 2014

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      ISBN 978-0-255-36669-4 (ebk)

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      The authors

      Grover Norquist

      Grover Glenn Norquist is the founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform. He is the creator and organiser of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, a public written commitment to oppose all tax hikes, signed by most members of the US Congress. Norquist is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Business School. He also serves on the board of directors of the Center for the National Interest, the Parental Rights Organization and the National Rifle Association.

      Nima Sanandaji

      Nima Sanandaji is a Swedish author of Kurdish origin who holds a PhD from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. He has written books and reports about policy issues such as women’s career opportunities, integration, entrepreneurship and reforms which encourage innovation in the provision of public services.

      Matthew Sinclair

      Matthew Sinclair is a senior consultant at Europe Economics – a consultancy specialising in economic regulation, competition policy and the application of economics to public policy and business issues – and a former chief executive of the TaxPayers’ Alliance. He was the editor of the book How to Cut Public Spending (2010) and author of Let Them Eat Carbon: The Price of Failing Climate Change Policies and How Governments and Big Business Profit from Them (2011).

      David B. Smith

      David B. Smith studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, and the University of Essex in the 1960s. He then worked as an economist, predominantly in banks and the securities industry, until the mid 2000s. David is currently a visiting professor at the University of Derby and maintains his own econometric forecasting model of the international and UK economies at Beacon Economic Forecasting. He has written extensively on monetary policy and financial regulation as well as on public spending and tax issues.


      The IEA was honoured to host Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, for the 2014 Hayek Memorial Lecture. Norquist took as one of his main themes the observation that we are on the road to serfdom, as predicted by Hayek in his book The Road to Serfdom. Norquist laid out an action plan, grounded in political economy, to suggest how the US could do a U-turn and return to being a low tax and low regulation economy.

      Grover Norquist expressed optimism that the tide could be turned in the US. There were a number of reasons for this. Firstly, there is a large coalition of people with different priorities but who believe that the state should ‘leave them alone’. There is little in common, for example, between those who wish to have the right to bear arms, those who home-school their children and those who are trying to start small businesses. However, they all wish to be left alone by government to pursue their different interests and their well-being. At the same time, the coalition of people who wish to increase the power of government is becoming harder to hold together. Secondly, in the US, there is a well-thought-out plan – the Ryan plan – for reducing government spending at the federal level to more sustainable levels. There is also competition between states. States – many of them in severe financial trouble as a result of high spending, low economic growth and large future pension commitments – have an incentive to reduce taxes and regulation to attract business.

      The future of the US economy is certainly relevant to the UK. However, not all the analysis of our Hayek lecturer could be applied directly to the UK’s political and economic situation at the present time. It is necessary to draw lessons from the analysis in order to create the sort of momentum that Grover Norquist described in the US. For that reason, we asked three economists to comment on the lecture and provide some further European context.

      In his chapter, David B. Smith discusses the empirical evidence that shows just how far we have moved down the road to serfdom. In countries such as the UK, the government is spending about as much as the people. A peace-time economy is being run with war-time levels of government spending. The levels of taxation necessary to finance government spending also have a serious impact on economic growth. In order to effect the change discussed by Grover Norquist, it is necessary to educate opinion formers about the damage done by current policies.

      Matthew Sinclair’s commentary deals with the important issue of fiscal decentralisation. In the UK we have one of the world’s most centralised taxation systems which contrasts starkly with the situation in the US. As Matthew Sinclair explains, this not only makes it more difficult to reduce the size of the state, it also leads to less efficient service provision. Sinclair details a plan to take the UK system of local government finance closer to that in the US.

      Finally, Nima Sanandaji develops Grover Norquist’s observation that it is necessary to build a coalition of people who have a strong belief in – and interest in – economic freedom. Drawing on his experience of Sweden, Sanandaji shows how radical reform can create interest groups that wish to promote further reform as well as wish to protect the reforms that have already happened. Sanandaji has two other observations. The first is that entrepreneurial activity can undermine entrenched government interests in unexpected ways. The second is that taxes should be made as visible as possible so that people understand the true costs of government spending.

      The 2013 Hayek lecture, together with the commentaries, form an important contribution to the discussion of the role of government in economic life. As government spending and taxation СКАЧАТЬ