The Jobs To Be Done Playbook. Jim Kalbach
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Название: The Jobs To Be Done Playbook

Автор: Jim Kalbach

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Техническая литература


isbn: 9781933820521







      Align Your Markets, Organization, and Strategy Around Customer Needs



       Foreword by Michael Schrage

      The Jobs to Be Done Playbook Align Your Markets, Organizations, and Strategy Around Customer Needs By Jim Kalbach

      Two Waves Books

      an imprint of Rosenfeld Media

      125 Maiden Lane, Suite 209

      New York, New York

      10038 USA

      On the Web: Please send errors to: [email protected]

      Publisher: Louis Rosenfeld

      Managing Editor: Marta Justak

      Illustrations: Michael Tanamachi

      Interior Layout Tech: Danielle Foster

      Cover and Interior Design: The Heads of State

      Indexer: Marilyn Augst

      Proofreader: Sue Boshers

      ©2020 Jim Kalbach

      All Rights Reserved

      ISBN: 1-933820-68-3

      ISBN 13: 978-1-933820-68-2

      LCCN: 2019948483

      Printed and bound in the United States of America

      For my brother

       Contents at a Glance



       Chapter 1: Understanding Jobs to Be Done

       Chapter 2: Core Concepts of JTBD

       Chapter 3: Discovering Value

       Chapter 4: Defining Value

       Chapter 5: Designing Value

       Chapter 6: Delivering Value

       Chapter 7: (Re)Developing Value

       Chapter 8: JTBD in Action

       Final Thoughts

       Quick Reference: JTBD Plays

       Resources on JTBD



       About the Author

       Contents and Executive Summary



      At a time when consumers have unprecedented choices, JTBD offers a way of seeing markets to maximize growth around customer needs. The core message of JTBD is clear: focus on people’s objectives, not on your company, offering, or brand.

       Chapter 1: Understanding Jobs to Be Done

      JTBD is a broad field with a decades-old history and varying perspectives unified by a set of shared principles. Begin your JTBD by understanding the core tenets of the theory and practice.

       Chapter 2: Core Concepts of JTBD

      A common language of JTBD helps filter otherwise irregular market feedback into a normalized system. Apply the JTBD framework to better predict your customer-driven growth.

       Chapter 3: Discovering Value

      People value products and services that help them get a job done. Find your opportunities by interviewing people in your market and mapping their job.

       Chapter 4: Defining Value

      JTBD provides a way to model various aspects of your market. Identify unmet needs and define your target markets all through the JTBD lens.

       Chapter 5: Designing Value

      JTBD is versatile and provides many techniques for developing solutions. After understanding the problem you are solving, use СКАЧАТЬ