Shadow Mountain. Coolidge Dane
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Название: Shadow Mountain

Автор: Coolidge Dane

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9788027229697


СКАЧАТЬ ection>

      Dane Coolidge

      Shadow Mountain

      A Western Mystery

      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

       [email protected]

      2017 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-272-2969-7

      Table of Contents

       Chapter I. The Last of Ten Thousand

       Chapter II. The Shotgun Widow

       Chapter III. The Shadow

       Chapter IV. The Ghost-Man

       Chapter V. A Load of Buckshot

       Chapter VI. All Crazy

       Chapter VII. Between Friends

       Chapter VIII. The Tip

       Chapter IX. A Peace Talk

       Chapter X. The Best Head in Town

       Chapter XI. A Touch

       Chapter XII. The Expert

       Chapter XIII. A Sack of Cats

       Chapter XIV. The Explosion

       Chapter XV. The God of Ten Per Cent

       Chapter XVI. A Show-Down with the Widow

       Chapter XVII. Peace–and the Price

       Chapter XVIII. On Christmas Day

       Chapter XIX. The Enigma

       Chapter XX. An Appeal to Charley

       Chapter XXI. The Dragon’s Teeth

       Chapter XXII. Virginia Explains–Nothing

       Chapter XXIII. On Demand

       Chapter XXIV. Double Trouble

       Chapter XXV. Virginia Repents

       Chapter XXVI. The Call

       Chapter XXVII. The Thunder Clap

       Chapter XXVIII. The Way Out

       Chapter XXIX. Across Death Valley

       Chapter XXX. An Evening with Socrates

       Chapter XXXI. The Broken Trust

       Chapter XXXII. A Huff

       Chapter XXXIII. The Fiery Furnace

       Chapter XXXIV. A Clean-Up

      CHAPTER I.


       Table of Contents

      Under the rim of Shadow Mountain, embraced like a pearl of great price by the curve of Bonanza Point and the mined-out slope of Gold Hill, the deserted city of Keno lay brooding and silent in the sun. A dry, gusty wind, swooping down through the northern pass, slammed the great iron fire-doors that hung creaking from the stone bank building, caught up a cloud of sand and dirt and, whirling it down past empty stores and assay offices, deposited it in the doorways of gambling houses and dance halls, long since abandoned to the rats. An old man, pottering about among the ruins, gathered up some broken boards and hobbled off; and once more Keno, the greatest gold camp the West has ever seen, sank back to silence and dreams.

      A round of shots wakened the echoes of Shadow Mountain; a lonely miner came down the trail from Gold Hill, where in the old days the Paymaster had turned out its million a month; and then, far out across the floor of the desert on the road that led in from the railroad, there appeared an arrow-point of dust. It grew to a racing streak of white, the distant purring of the motor gave way to a deep-voiced thunder and as the powerful car glided swiftly up the street the doors of old houses opened unexpectedly and the last of ten thousand looked out.

      There СКАЧАТЬ