Patent attorneys of the Russian Federation. Directory-2019. A. D. Kudakov
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СКАЧАТЬ >Patent attorneys of the Russian Federation


      A. D. Kudakov

      V. E. Zubov

      A. N. Didenko

      © A. D. Kudakov, 2019

      © V. E. Zubov, 2019

      © A. N. Didenko, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-4496-8324-3

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      This publication was prepared to inform members of the business community as well as inventors of the world about Russian patent attorneys

      Russian patent attorneys are specialists in the field of protection and registration of intellectual property rights, who have passed the state certification in the Federal service for intellectual property (Rospatent) and can represent the interests of foreign applicants before Rospatent

      Russian patent attorneys may be certified in respect of nine different objects of intellectual property and represent the interests of the principals before Rospatent, depending on the specialization obtained as a result of certification, upon receipt of Russian patents for inventions, utility models, industrial designs, and upon registration of trademarks, service marks, appellations of origin of goods, computer programs, databases and topologies of integrated circuits in Russia.

      Among the Russian patent attorneys, there are attorneys who have also passed additional certification at the Eurasian patent office (EAPO), and have the status of Eurasian patent attorneys, which allows them to represent the interests of the principals before the EAPO in obtaining Eurasian patents for the invention, which operate in eight CIS States that are States parties to the Eurasian patent Convention, including in Russia.

      All data in the directory are given on official sources of information as of January 10, 2019.

      The main activity of patent attorneys is aimed at identifying the essence of inventions and utility models, and compiling their descriptions and formulas that provide the maximum amount of exclusive rights acquired as a result of registration, and also consists in the correct preparation and execution of sets of documents necessary for obtaining patents for inventions, utility models and industrial designs, as well as for registration of trademarks, service marks and appellations of origin of goods, computer programs, databases and topologies of integrated circuits.

      According to Art. 1247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing in its territory may be registered as a patent attorney. Other requirements to the patent attorney, the procedure for its certification and registration, as well as its competence in relation to the conduct of cases related to the legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization are established by law.

      Citizens permanently residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign legal entities conduct business with the Federal Executive body for intellectual property through patent attorneys registered with the said Federal body, unless otherwise provided by an international Treaty of the Russian Federation.

      In the Russian Federation it is the Federal law of December 30, 2008 N 316-FZ “About patent attorneys” in which more extended definition of the patent attorney is given:

      “Patent attorneys are citizens who have received the status of a patent attorney in accordance with this Federal law and carry out activities related to the legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization, protection of intellectual rights, acquisition of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization, disposal of such rights.

      As a patent attorney may be certified and registered citizen of the Russian Federation, which:

      1) has reached the age of 18 years;

      2) permanently resides in the territory of the Russian Federation;

      3) has higher education;

      4) has at least four years of experience in the field of activity of a patent attorney in accordance with the specialization, in relation to which a citizen expresses a desire to be certified and registered as a patent attorney.”

      For the convenience of finding information, information about the attorneys directory privedeny ordered:

      – having in addition the status of the Eurasian patent attorney

      – the number of activities for which they are registered

      – by activities for which they are registered

      – by registration numbers,

      – alphabetically,

      – attorneys registered in 2018

      – attorneys who have terminated their activities.

      We draw the attention of applicants to the fact that in Russia it is necessary to take into account the type of intellectual property object for which the patent attorney is certified, since the authority for their activities in respect of other objects is not confirmed by the state.

      The present publication is carried out under the auspices of the International public organization “COUNCIL of EURASIAN PATENT ATTORNEYS”.

      President of the International public organization

      “Council of Eurasian patent attorneys”

      KUDAKOV A. D.


      The international public organization “COUNCIL of EURASIAN PATENT ATTORNEYS” was established on 17.06.2010 and unites Eurasian patent attorneys (members of the organization) and national patent attorneys of other countries (as participants) on the basis of common professional activities and interests for the implementation of the purposes provided for by the Charter in compliance with the principles of legality, voluntariness, equality of its members, self-government, transparency, non-interference in the activities of patent attorneys.

      The Council of Eurasian patent attorneys carries out its activities in the form of a public organization without forming a legal entity under the legislation of the Russian Federation, which is allowed by the legislation (in particular, the Law of the Russian Federation “On public associations” №82-FZ of 19.05.1995, art. 3, 7, 27)

      The objectives of the organization:

      The first and main task of the organization should be the promotion of the Eurasian patent and the joint efforts of patent attorneys for these purposes.

      The second important task, which is inextricably linked with the first, is to establish and strengthen links between patent attorneys of the participating countries, which, due to the increasing number of conflicts related to patents, will help us and our clients to protect their patents.

      The third task is to promote the expansion of the body of Eurasian patent attorneys, which will also contribute to the growth of popularity of the Eurasian patent and strengthen ties between attorneys of the participating countries.

      The СКАЧАТЬ