Marry Me, Kate. Judy Christenberry
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Название: Marry Me, Kate

Автор: Judy Christenberry

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT #1099 BETWEEN WILLIAM HARDISON AND KATHRYN O’CONNOR Letter to Reader Title Page About the Author Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Epilogue Copyright


      1. Both parties will ignore the sparks that ignite between them whenever they are in a room together.

      2. They will forget the soul-touching kisses they have already exchanged and never engage in such activities again.

      3. If, after all this, either party falls in love with the other party to this contract...well, that is their problem, and this office shall not be held responsible in any way.



      William H. Hardison


      Kathryn O’Connor

      Dear Reader,


      Silhouette Romance is proud to usher in the year with two exciting new promotions! LOVING THE BOSS is a six-book series, launching this month and ending in June, about office romances leading to happily-ever-afters. In the premiere title, The Boss and the Beauty, by award-winning author Donna Clayton, a prim personal assistant wows her jaded, workaholic boss when she has a Cinderella makeover....


      You’ve asked for more family-centered stories, so we created FAMILY MATTERS, an ongoing promotion with a special flash. The launch title, Family by the Bunch from popular Special Edition author Amy Frazier, pairs a rancher in want of a family with a spirited social worker ..and five adorable orphans.


      Also available are more of the authors you love, and the miniseries you’ve come to cherish. Kia Cochrane’s emotional Romance debut, A Rugged Ranchin’ Dad, beautifully captures the essence of FABULOUS FATHERS. Star author Judy Chnstenberry unveils her sibling-connected miniseries LUCKY CHARM SISTERS with Marry Me, Kate, an unforgettable marriage-of-convenience tale. Granted: A Family for Baby is the latest of Carol Grace’s BEST-KEPT WISHES miniseries. And COWBOYS TO THE RESCUE, the heartwarming Western saga by rising star Martha Shields, continues with The Million-Dollar Cowboy.


      Enjoy this month’s offerings, and look forward to more spectacular stones coming each month from Silhouette Romance!


      Happy New Year!

      Mary-Theresa Hussey

      Senior Editor, Silhouette Romance

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      Marry Me, Kate

      Judy Christenberry


       has been writing romances for fifteen years because she loves happy endings as much as her readers. She’s a bestselling writer for Harlequin American Romance, but she has a long love of traditional romances and is delighted to tell a story that brings those elements to the reader. Judy recently quit teaching French and devotes her time to writing. She hopes readers have as much fun reading her stories as she does writing them. She spends her spare time reading, watching her favorite sports teams and keeping track of her two daughters. Judy’s a native Texan, living in Plano, a suburb of Dallas.

      Chapter One

      “I’d like to see Mr. Hardison,” Kate O’Connor announced calmly to the efficient-looking woman behind the large desk.

      “Do you have an appointment?”

      They’d certainly reached the sticky part quickly. “No, but I won’t take much of his time. I’m here to talk to him about the sponsor program.”

      “Are you with the press?” the secretary asked with a frown, flipping the pages of her calendar.

      Kate wanted to say yes, but her innate honesty wouldn’t let her. “No.”

      “Then why do you want to speak to Mr. Hardison?”

      “I’d prefer to give my explanation to him,” Kate returned, her spine stiffening with resentment at the woman’s attitude. Careful, she warned herself. She mustn’t let her temper do her in. She needed to subdue it just as she’d subdued her red hair this morning, pinning it into a sedate French roll.

      “I can give you ten minutes next month.”

      Next month wouldn’t do. She was too close to going under. “I need to see him now.”

      “Sorry.” The word was accompanied by a superior smile that made control of her temper difficult. Without another word, Kate walked out of the deeply carpeted office. Once the door СКАЧАТЬ