The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 13, No. 360, March 14, 1829. Various
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СКАЧАТЬ p>The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction / Volume 13, No. 360, March 14, 1829

      Grand Entrance to Hyde Park



      The great Lord Burleigh says, "A realm gaineth more by one year's peace than by ten years' war;" and the architectural triumphs which are rising in every quarter of the metropolis are strong confirmation of this maxim.

      One of these triumphs is represented in the annexed engraving, viz. the grand entrance to Hyde Park, erected from the designs of Decimus Burton, Esq. It consists of a screen of handsome fluted Ionic columns, with three carriage entrance archways, two foot entrances, a lodge, &c. The extent of the whole frontage is about 107 feet. The central entrance has a bold projection: the entablature is supported by four columns; and the volutes of the capitals of the outside column on each side of the gateway are formed in an angular direction, so as to exhibit two complete faces to view. The two side gateways, in their elevations, present two insulated Ionic columns, flanked by antae. All these entrances are finished by a blocking, the sides of the central one being decorated with a beautiful frieze, representing a naval and military triumphal procession, which our artist has copied and represented in distinct engravings. This frieze was designed by Mr. Henning, jun., son of Mr. Henning, so well known for his admirable models of the Elgin marbles. It possesses great classical merit, and the model was exhibited last season in the sculpture-room of the Suffolk-street Gallery.

      The gates were manufactured by Messrs. Bramah. They are of iron, bronzed, and fixed or hung to the piers by rings of gun-metal. The design consists of a beautiful arrangement of the Greek honeysuckle ornament; the parts being well defined, and the raffles of the leaves brought out in a most extraordinary manner. The hanging of the gates is also very ingenious.

      Mr. Soane's proposed entrances to Piccadilly and St. James's and Hyde Parks, are generally considered superior to those that have been adopted. The park entrances were to consist of two triumphal arches connected with each other by a colonnade and arches stretching across Piccadilly. The same ingenious architect likewise designed a new palace at the top of Constitution Hill, from which to the House of Lords the King should pass Buckingham House, Carlton House, a splendid Waterloo and Trafalgar monument, a fine triumphal arch, the Privy Council Office, Board of Trade, and the new law courts.


      On the origin of the application of the name of the "Fleur de Souvenance," (modern "Forget-me-not,") to the Myosotis Scorpiodis.

(For the Mirror.)

      A gallant knight and a lady bright

      Walk'd by a crystal lake;

      The twin'd oaks made a grateful shade

      Above the fangled brake,

      While the trembling leaves of aspen trees

      A murmuring music make.

      And as they spoke, round them echoes woke

      To tales of love and glory;

      The knight was brave, though of love the slave,

      And the dame lov'd gallant story—

      Proudly he told deeds gentle and bold,

      Of warriors dead or hoary.

      Like babe at rest on its mother's breast,

      On that an island lay—

      So still and fair reigned Nature there—

      So bright the glist'ring spray,

      You might have thought the scene had been wrought

      By spell of faun or fay.

      On the island's edge, midst tangled sedge,

      Lay a wreath of wild flow'rs blue—

      The broad flag-leaf was their sweet relief,

      When the heat too fervid grew;

      And the willow's shade a shelter made,

      When stormy tempests blew.

      And as they stood, the faithful flood

      Gave back ev'ry line and trace

      Of earth below and heaven above,

      And their own forms gallant grace—

      For forms more fair than that lovely pair

      Ne'er shone on its liquid face.

      "I would a flower from that bright bower

      Some nymph would waft to me—

      For in my eyes a dearer prize

      Than glitt'ring gem 'twould be—

      For its changeless blue seems emblem true

      Of love's own constancy."

      The maiden spake, and no more the lake

      In slumb'ring stillness lay,

      For from the side of his destin'd bride

      The knight has pass'd away;

      In vain the maid's soft words essay'd

      His rash pursuit to stay.

      He has reach'd the tower, and pluck'd the flower.

      And turn'd from the verdant spot.

      Ah, hapless knight! some Naiad bright

      Woo'd thee to her coral grot;

      And forbids that more to touch that shore

      Shall ever be thy lot.

      Vainly he tried to gain the side,

      Where knelt his lady-love;

      Flagg'd every limb, his eyes grew dim,

      But still the spirit strove.

      One effort more—he flings to shore

      The flow'r so dear to prove.

      'Tis past! 'tis past! that look his last,

      That fond sad glance of love

      The bubbling wave his farewell gave

      In the moan, "Forget me not."


      The above incident occurred in the time of Edward IV.


(To the Editor of the Mirror.)

      In the MIRROR, No. 358, the article headed "Memorable Days," the writer, in that part of which the Avver Bread is treated of, says it is made of oats leavened and kneaded into a large, thin, round cake, which is placed upon a girdle over the fire; adding, that he is totally at a loss for a definition of the word Avver; that he has sometimes thought avver, means oaten; which I think, correct, it being very likely a corruption of the French, avoine, oats; introduced among many others, into the Scottish language, during the great intimacy which formerly existed between France and Scotland; in which latter country a great many words were introduced from the former, which are still in use; such as gabart, a large boat, or lighter, from the French gabarre; bawbee, baspiece, a small copper coin; vennell, a lane, or narrow street, which still retains its original pronunciation and meaning. Enfiler la vennel; a common figurative expression for running away is still in use in France. Apropos of vennell, Dr. Stoddard, in a "Pedestrian Tour through the Land of Cakes," when a young man, says he could not trace its meaning in any language, (I speak from memory) also made the same observation where I was; being at that time on intimate terms with the doctor, I pointed out to him its derivation from the Latin into the French, and thence, probably, into the Scotch; the embryo L.L.D. stared, and seemed chagrined, at receiving such information from a


      P.S. СКАЧАТЬ