Home Poems. Kate Louise Wheeler
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Название: Home Poems

Автор: Kate Louise Wheeler

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Поэзия




СКАЧАТЬ heeler

      Home Poems


      I am a New Hampshire girl. I have written

      these poems in the interests of Christian Endeavor.

      My friends are so much pleased with them that I

      have had them published for our mutual benefit.


      “Thou’lt ne’er be poor nor quite alone,

      Whilst thou a mother call’st thine own.”


The New Hampshire Christian Endeavor State SongTune, “How Firm a Foundation.”

      The State of New Hampshire is dear to us all,

      Her hills and her mountains respond to the call,

      Her onflowing rivers in gladness awake

      To sound forth the praises of Old Granite State.

      Her heroes undaunted in times of distress

      ’Neath the flag of the union went forth with the rest;

      When duty is calling and danger is nigh

      The Old Granite State will conquer or die.

      Her sons and her daughters are loyal and brave,

      ’Neath the banner of Christ they march onward to save;

      In the battle for right which they undertake

      As firm as the granite in Old Granite State.

      From loftiest height to lowliest shore

      New Hampshire, our home land, is our’s evermore!

      “For Christ and the Church” she resounds the glad call,

      The Old Granite State sends a greeting to all.


      Do not dream away life’s morning,

      Rise to bless as does the sun;

      Let no shadow fall about thee,

      Till thy given work is done.

      Look not downward, to the valley,

      Blessings come from heights above;

      Falter not upon thy journey,

      Let each effort teem with love.

      Tho’ thy life work may be humble,

      Keep a brave and trusting heart;

      Do it well, it is thy portion,

      God himself assigned the part.

      There is not on earth another—

      Even monarch of the throne—

      Who can fill thy place so nobly,

      As thyself, thyself alone.

      If a few shall rise above thee,

      And the world their deeds applaud,

      Do not let their fame depress thee,

      None can judge thee save thy God.


      He makes the most of life, who soonest learns

      That ’tis not best to try for heights too high,

      Nor yet to be content with vales too low;

      But day by day upon his upward way,

      Accepts the possible for which he yearns,

      Rejects those things that far beneath him lie,

      And asks the strength of slow success, to know,

      Which gains the Heaven for which we mortals pray.


      The sun is flooding all the land and sky,

      The waves are dancing o’er the deep blue sea;

      The world is gay and yet, they say, not I—

      Since absence makes a gulf ’tween you and me.

      When you were here the clouds were in the sky,

      The rain-drops fell, the sun was hid from view;

      The world was dull and yet, they say, not I—

      For my gay world is centred, love, in you.

      When you are near no matter what the sky,

      No matter what the sea nor what the weather;

      The world is gay and so, my love, am I—

      The days are fairest when we are together.


      O let me say one little word,

      Ere I depart,

      To soothe one sorrow,

      Teach one truth,

      And help one heart!

      O let me sing one little song,

      Before I go,

      To wake one wanderer,

      Lift one load,

      And wing one woe!

      O let me breathe one little prayer,

      While yet I live,

      To bring one blessing,

      Heal one hurt,

      One sin forgive!

      O let me write one little song,

      Ere life is o’er,

      To cause one comfort,

      Save one soul,

      Forever more!


      Around the world they ring to-day,

      And they will ring forever;

      Like beauteous birds that sweetly sing,

      Good cheer and comfort they shall bring;

      And saving souls along the way,

      Will be forgotten never.

      Both autocrat and peasant poor,

      With heaven born inspiration,

      Composed these grand and soulful themes

      That wake the dreamer from his dreams,

      And shall, while patriot rights endure,

      Arouse a loyal nation.

      The mighty chimes ring out the fame

      Of him who wrote with feeling,

      And while sweet symphonies prolong,

      He lives again to move the throng,

      And preaches in Jehovah’s name

      From spires where bells are pealing.


      In all the wide world there is not another

      Whose name is so dear as the sweet name of mother.

      The babe’s tiny head finds it’s most perfect rest,

      When pillowed from harm on the fair mother breast;

      The youth, from all sorrow, temptation and care,

      Seeks the warm mother heart and finds comfort there;

      The СКАЧАТЬ