The Magical World of BDSM. Andrey Ganesha
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СКАЧАТЬ e Magical World of BDSM

      Andrey Ganesha

      Dedicated to Iuliia Borisovna

      © Andrey Ganesha, 2017

      ISBN 978-5-4490-0320-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Sexual games on the basis of BDSM, which stands for “bondage, domination, sadism and masochism”, logically, should not have taken root in Russia. In our country, humiliation and rigid domination are considered ordinary things, and BDSM is something indecent originating from the habits of the perverted West. Many people do not realize that they have been involved in this game of humiliation and domination of some people over others since their very birth.

      Another reason why BDSM in Russia should not have taken root is that life here is very difficult. Games with binding, all these sex shops’ attributes just look unnatural here. In Russia, a booze-addicted or excessively jealous husband would regularly beat his wife, a boss often beats his subordinates, the police humiliate detainees and even victims. However, apparently, suffering is such a strong drug that even here many people feel the need for it.

      Anyone born in modern Russia, without even realizing it, is forced to plunge into the world of violence, humiliation and domination. Laws of nature reign in our land, and the weak do not survive here. Laws are needed exclusively as demagogy or suppression tool against the disobedient. Even business in Russia is not an instrument for making profits but serves as a cover for parasitic, rent-seeking behavior thriving on funds received from the sale of natural resources.

      Most Russians do not consider the actions of the authorities in relation to their fellow citizens to be some form of perverted sadism. For them, this is just part of an ordinary life. Cases, when a police colonel turns out to be a billionaire or a mere federal judge, invites million-dollar stars to sing at his daughter’s wedding, or when some rich boy born with a silver spoon in his mouth runs down people in an expensive car, are generally considered something outrageous. Such stories are told and re-told during long days in boring offices. People hardly have the time to stop and think about the fact that in this country, this system, in which the government considers people exclusively as an expendable material, has long taken root and thrived. In addition, the government manipulates people by swiftly using their innate fears of external aggression, the coming apocalypse, climate change or the inevitable collision of the Earth with a meteorite.

      Of course, the risk of external problems is present in our lives, but compared to the way our own authorities torture us, these risks are minuscule. There is almost nothing left here for any supposed enemy to feast on. The authorities took away our quality medical care, social benefits and access to justice, turning our nation into shattered territories populated by angry loners.

      I would like to tell a few stories about my acquaintance with the world of BDSM, both the sexual and social aspects of it.

      Calm down, time heals

      The first acquaintance with BDSM (not counting the fact that teachers, bosses and representatives of the authorities have been trying to dominate me during my whole life) took place when I was a little over thirty. Experiencing a light spermotoxicosis from the fact that my wife was pregnant, I placed an ad somewhere: “Looking for a submissive bitch for quality humiliation”. Truth be told, women do not fall for such ads.

      Women are waiting for a prince, who will come and solve all their problems, tolerate all her shticks, while she sips wine with her friends, complaining about the lack of attention. Many of my female friends complain about the lack of attention from men, although very often their husband is a truly great guy, earning their bread and loving his wife.

      In fact, women simply get bored without suffering, and if you do not make your woman suffer, then she will do it for you. But none of the women will ever admit that she is pleased to receive slaps and insults from her man. These desires are secret and are never spoken openly, but there is a way to determine that it’s time for a man to act and become more rigid. As soon as a woman begins to talk for no apparent reason that she is bored, that you are giving her little attention, you may be sure – it’s time to pick up a whip.

      As for me, I did not particularly expect anything from this announcement; it was just the desire of intimacy that was pushing me to do stupid things. Unexpectedly, as the chances were, as I do understand now, one in a million, I had luck – a stranger responded to my ad, who invited me to the performance of the Solntsevo Poetic Group. At the same time, the young lady did not mind that I take my friends Mitia and Volodia to the meeting.

      At that time my friends were still happy to make new acquaintances with the opposite sex. Our meeting happened in one of the bars on Smolenka. The stranger’s name was Nina, she looked a bit beaten by life but still had a pretty, cute face. To my surprise, she came to the meeting with her daughter Lena. For a fifteen year old, Lena looked and argued very uncommonly. Lenka’s neck was decorated with a leather studded collar. She freely talked about her mommy’s sexual life and her preferences.

      Nina gave us her business cards that read “Swinger Club 3 +2”. My friends and I had no experience with BDSM, and we had absolutely nothing to add to Lena’s stories about the sexual life of her mother. This kind of conversation lets you tune into a certain wave, you get the feeling that the woman telling this about herself is ready to enter immediately into a sexual intercourse with you. In fact, it does not mean anything, except that she tells you her preferences and, most likely, if she tells you this, she does not see you as her possible partner. Even such light-hearted woman gets shy in the presence of her man.

      My friends and I could cynically talk about sex, promiscuity, but we had no experience of domination over women. Volodia had little experience with women before he met his girlfriend Varia. Mitia found his pleasure in the moments when he had a small fight with his wife Olga, he felt alive when they slapped each other. As for me, I only saw the relationship of the BDSM format in porn movies, and they did not impress me. Women, dressed in black anti-sexual latex, with a plug in the mouth and butt, seemed to cause bewilderment, rather than sexual interest. In addition, after getting married, I had lost the skill of dealing with women a little bit.

      Anyway, we soon felt that Nina or her daughter Lena did not have any sexual interest in us. Volodia, who had acquired a certain male confidence while living together with Varia, having understood everything, went off to meet other girls. Actually, girls did not interest him much, it was just important for him to maintain his status as a sought-after male. I did not really understand this kind of one-time or two-time sex. I need a little more time to really start appreciating a girl, but on the other hand, these relationships can lead to some kind of affection, and this is what Volodia tried to avoid.

      Quite unexpectedly, I saw a few familiar characters onstage. Thus, a tall boy, whom I saw on TV in the program “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova”, where he played the role of a polygamist, was tediously declaring obscene rhymes. He looked a little schizoid, and I was very surprised to find out that he had a girlfriend, as I met him with a woman in a swing club a few years later. However, you can hardly wonder that the program “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova” uses non-professional actors, as in our age even “serious” news reports on Channel One are done this way.

      The host of the evening had to kick this character from the stage almost by force; he was so carried away reading his poems that he could not stop. In order to take the heat off, the host called a guy in his early fifties. I’ve seen him before, even on Soviet TV, where he talked about erotic СКАЧАТЬ