Seven Disciplines of A Leader. Wolf Jeff
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Название: Seven Disciplines of A Leader

Автор: Wolf Jeff

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Зарубежная образовательная литература


isbn: 9781119004097



      Jeff Wolf

      Seven Disciplines of A Leader

      Seven Disciplines of a Leader

      How to Help Your People, Team, and Organization Achieve

      Maximum Effectiveness

      Jeff Wolf with Ken Shelton

      Cover design: Michael J. Freeland

      Copyright © 2015 by Jeff Wolf. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

      Wolf, Jeff (Economist)

      Seven disciplines of a leader: How to help your people, team, and organization achieve maximum effectiveness/Jeff Wolf.

      pages cm

      Includes index.

      ISBN 978-1-119-00395-3 (hardback); ISBN 978-1-119-00396-0 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-119-00409-7 (ebk)

      1. Leadership. I. Title.

      HD57.7.W6495 2015

      658.4′092 – dc23



      To my mom and dad who always believed in me, taught me right from wrong, and provided unconditional love and support in everything I ever did.


      First and foremost, my thanks go out to my family who puts up with me through thick and thin. My beautiful wife Maria who many years ago suggested I go into this wonderful business of leadership development. You were right! My daughter Melissa, who has grown into a very successful young leader, whom I'm very proud of. My stepsons Greg and Alex, my brother Earl, sister-in-law Jacky, and, last but not least, Charlie (man's best friend) who keeps me humble during our nightly walks together.

      Martin Smith, an honest and caring man who took me under his wing and helped me get published.

      Ken Shelton, who said my original title, The Essence of Effective Leadership, would not resonate with people – but Seven Disciplines of a Leader would… I hope you are right!

      All the leaders I've been privileged to coach and work with during the past 14 years; I'm sure I've learned more from you than you've learned from me.

      My literary agent, Jill Marsal, for believing this book had merit.

      John Wiley & Sons for investing and showing confidence in me.

      My PR team: Jessica, Marcie, and Jennifer. You bring unlimited energy to work each day, and I truly appreciate all that you do.

      Thanks also to the people who read this book. I hope it will help you on your leadership journey.


      What Makes Certain Leaders Highly Effective?

      Christopher had recently been promoted from shift supervisor to department manager in an online retailer's large distribution center. Unfortunately, Max, his boss, the shift manager, who leaned toward the theoretical side, was not as helpful or supportive as he could be and Christopher floundered. The distribution center's general manager recognized Max's failing and transferred him into a staff job that required no supervision. He replaced him with Janelle, a leader of considerable accomplishments, who understood how to develop promising employees.

      Within weeks, Christopher's performance improved significantly, and he went on to become an outstanding leader for his company. Although he didn't realize it at the time, this experience was invaluable. In essence, what he discovered was that the very best people to teach leadership are those who have “been there, done that, learned from it.”

      In this book I highlight similar observations to help you learn hard-earned leadership lessons. I call these hands-on advice. Regard them collectively as your own personal leadership adviser, the spirit hovering over your right shoulder, whispering in your ear.

      Okay, let's get started with the first of these based on Christopher's experience.

      Hands-On Advice: Find somebody to advise you who's “been there, done that, learned from it.”

      Why? Because that's the person who can give you the most valuable advice on leadership – the person who has insights into the job based on his practical real-world experience. This is what I mean by the term hands-on. It has a corollary:

      Hands-On Advice: Find a mentor, regardless of your level in the company.

      You might be a first-line supervisor, a middle manager, a top executive, a specialist, an aspiring manager. You should have somebody in your corner, somebody you can turn to when you need advice, somebody who can provide an objective opinion. That person might be your boss, another employee who you respect, possibly an outsider. The point is you will always СКАЧАТЬ