The Two Elsies. Finley Martha
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Название: The Two Elsies

Автор: Finley Martha

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика





      The Two Elsies / A Sequel to Elsie at Nantucket


      "Art is long, and Time is fleeting,

        And our hearts, though stout and brave,

      Still, like muffled drums, are beating

        Funeral marches to the grave."


      It was a lovely summer morning, glorious with sunlight, sweet with the fragrance of flowers and the songs of birds.

      The view from the bay-window of the library of Crag Cottage, the residence of Mr. George Leland, architect and artist, was very fine, embracing, as it did, some of the most magnificent scenery on the banks of the Hudson.

      The house stood very high, and from that window one might look north and south over wooded mountain, hill and valley, or east upon the majestic river and its farther shore.

      The nearer view was of well-kept, though not extensive, grounds; a flower-garden and lawn with a winding carriage-way leading up the hill by a gradual ascent.

      It was a pleasant place to sit even on a sunny summer morning, for a tall tree partially shaded the window without greatly obstructing the view, and it was there the master of the house was usually to be found, at this time of day, with Evelyn, his only child, close at his side.

      They were there now, seated at a table covered with books and papers, he busied in drawing plans for a building, she equally so with her lessons.

      But presently, at the sound of a deep sigh from her father, she glanced hastily up at him.

      He had dropped his pencil and was leaning back against the cushions of his easy-chair, with a face so wan and weary that she started up in alarm, and springing to his side, exclaimed, "Dear papa, I am sure you are not well! Do stop working, and lie down on the sofa. And won't you let me tell Patrick to go for the doctor when he has taken mamma to Riverside?"

      "Yes, Evelyn, I think you may," he answered in low feeble tones, and with a sad sort of smile, gently pressing the hand she had laid in his, as he spoke. "It will do no harm for me to see Dr. Taylor, even should it do no good."

      "What is that? send for the doctor? Are you ill, Eric?" asked a lady who had entered the room just in time to catch his last sentence.

      "I am feeling unusually languid, Laura," he replied; "yet not much more so than I did yesterday. Perhaps it is only the heat."

      "The heat!" she echoed; "why, it is a delightful day! warm, to be sure, but not oppressively so."

      "Not to you or me, perhaps, mamma," remarked Evelyn, "but we are well and strong, and poor papa is not."

      "A holiday would do you good, Eric," the lady said, addressing her husband; "come, change your mind and go with me to Riverside."

      "My dear," he said, "I should like to go to gratify you, but really I feel quite unequal to the exertion."

      "You need make none," she said; "you need only to sit quietly under the trees on the lawn; and I think you will find amusement in watching the crowd, while the fresh air, change of scene, and rest from the work you will not let alone when at home, will certainly be of great benefit to you."

      He shook his head in dissent. "I should have to talk and to listen; in short, to make myself agreeable. I have no right to inflict my companionship on Mrs. Ross's guests on any other condition; and all that would be a greater exertion than I feel fit to undertake."

      "There was a time when you were willing to make a little exertion for my sake," she returned in a piqued tone, "but wives are not to expect the attention freely bestowed upon a sweetheart, and so I must go alone as usual."

      "Mamma, what a shame for you to talk so to poor papa!" exclaimed Evelyn indignantly. "You know – "

      "Hush, hush, Evelyn," said her father in a gently reproving tone, "be respectful to your mother, always."

      "Yes, sir," returned the child, with a loving look into his eyes. Then to her mother, "I beg your pardon, mamma, I did not mean to be rude; but – " with a scrutinizing glance at the richly attired figure before her.

      "Well?" laughingly interrogated the lady, as the child paused with a slight look of embarrassment and a heightened color.

      "Nothing, mamma, only – "

      "Something your correct taste disapproves about my attire?"

      "Yes, mamma; your dress is very handsome; quite rich and gay enough for a ball-room; but – wouldn't a simpler, plainer one be more suitable for a lawn-party?"

      "Well, really!" was the laughing rejoinder; "the idea of such a chit as you venturing to criticise her mother's taste in dress! You spoil her, Eric; making so much of her and allowing her to have and express an opinion on any and every subject. There, I must be going; I see Patrick is at the door with the carriage. So good-by, and don't overwork yourself, Eric."

      "Mamma," Evelyn called after her, "Patrick is to go for the doctor, you know."

      "Oh, yes; I'll tell him," Mrs. Leland answered, and the next moment the carriage was whirling away down the drive.

      "There, she is gone!" said Evelyn. "Oh, papa, when I am a woman I shall not marry unless I feel that I can always be content to stay with my husband when he is not able to go with me."

      "But business may prevent him very often when sickness does not, and you may grow very weary of staying always at home," he said, softly smoothing her hair, then bending to touch his lips to her smooth white forehead and smile into the large dark eyes lifted to his as she knelt at the side of his chair.

      "No, no! not if he is as dear and kind as you are, papa. But no other man is, I think."

      "Quite a mistake, my pet; the world surely contains many better men than your father."

      "I should be exceedingly angry if any one else said that to me," she returned indignantly.

      At that he drew her closer to him with a little pleased laugh. "We love each other very dearly, do we not, my darling?" he said; then sighed deeply.

      "Indeed we do!" she answered, gazing anxiously up into his face. "How pale and ill you look, papa! do lie down and rest."

      "Presently, when my work has progressed a little farther," he said, putting her gently aside, straightening himself and resuming his pencil.

      Evelyn was beginning a remonstrance, but at the sound of wheels upon the drive sprang to the window, exclaiming, "Can mamma be coming back already? She has perhaps changed her mind about attending the party. No," as she caught sight of the vehicle, "it is the doctor. I'm glad."

      "Go, receive him at the door, daughter, and show him in here," said Mr. Leland; "and as I desire a private interview, you may amuse yourself in the grounds while he stays."

      "Yes, sir; and oh, I do hope he will be able to give you something that will make you well directly," the little girl replied, bestowing a look of loving anxiety upon her father, then hastening to obey his order.

      She received the physician at the front entrance, with all the graceful courtesy of a refined lady, ushered him into the library, then putting on a garden-hat, wandered out into the grounds.

      It СКАЧАТЬ