Social England under the Regency, Vol. 1 (of 2). Ashton John
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СКАЧАТЬ the principal Aëronaut in England.


The Princess Amelia, when dying, ordered a valuable stone she possessed, to be set in a ring, for a keepsake of her to her father, and so urgent was she that it might be made before she died, that a jeweller was sent for, express, from London to make it. It contained a lock of her hair, and, on it, was her name, and, "Remember me when I am gone."


Then the principal Aëronaut in England.


The italics are mine. – J. A.


Nearly a waggon load of the family plate of the late Sir William Pulteney decorated the Tables at Carlton House. It is said that the weight of the whole of the gold and silver plate used on this occasion, was Six Tons.


See The Dawn of the Nineteenth Century, by John Ashton, 1 vol. edit., pp. 166 to 176.


Julius Cæsar, act ii. sc. 2.


I Henry IV., act i. sc. 1.


The third stump was added by the Hambledon Club, 1775.