New Breath. A. M. Wyman
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Название: New Breath

Автор: A. M. Wyman

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современная русская литература


isbn: 9785448507847



      A. M. Wyman

      Translator A. M. Wyman

      Editor Paul-Edward Hizo

      Illustrator Christina Bezryadina (Zakhieva)

      Illustrator A. M. Wyman

      Cover designer Alexey Semukhin

      © A. M. Wyman, 2017

      © A. M. Wyman, translation, 2017

      © Christina Bezryadina (Zakhieva), illustrations, 2017

      © A. M. Wyman, illustrations, 2017

      © Alexey Semukhin, cover design, 2017

      ISBN 978-5-4485-0784-7

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      PART I

      Chapter 1

      The cost of kinship

      On Grahamshtrasse in western part of Berlin, there was a small shop. The wooden door was abraded, and the sign lost, whether it was removed intentionally or not; no one remembered what happened to it, but everyone knew one thing: each time before the early and scrap holidays, students from all around shook out their piggy banks full of money and rushed here to complete the collection of books, comics, cassettes, discs, and vinyl with old records and of course, the figures with their favorite characters.

      The most snapped up here were brave Zorro on his faithful horse Tornado and then Spider-Man, Batman, Sailor Moon and many other characters very beloved by the hearts of children. The coolest thing was to collect all the heroes of the saga and if it was possible, find them their supplemented homes and even utensils.

      The hostess, frau Tomaco – the mysterious woman with the American Indian roots – helped the children to make a choice while holding sales or arranging gatherings in which the visitors read books aloud or watched movies… Her granddaughter Marianne, who studied in the local school, helped her around. From past times, their family has owned this shop, which was famous for manufacturing these toys of such high quality.

      August von Geltsman liked to come here. Although it has been a while, because some years ago he, his mother, stepfather and a stepbrother moved to Potsdam. He is studying in middle school now which deems it ignoble to shop there.

      His stepfather Sebastian – a man of self-proclaimed “Solid morale principles”, owned the corporation for petroleum refining. Last summer, he ordered to clean the room from the “garbage and other things that a young gentleman of his age is not supposed to possess”, so all the things that reminded August of a happy childhood, were sunk into oblivion.

      His parents divorced many years ago, although August kept the last name, because it belonged to the ancient Counts family. Mom married Sebastian Van der Hoffen and Philip was born, a snub-nosed boy, who looked like his father but had his mother’s curly hair. Sebastian was concerned that children should be brought up in severity, without giving them favors, and assigned them various “useful” hobbies, that will not allow them to hang around the house in search of destruction. For some reason, he was sure that the little insolents are striving to destroy something. Any outdoor games like hide-and-seek or touch-and-run were banned. They had to keep a perfect silence in the house, because Sebastian dealt with serious matters at work, he stays in his office for long hours.

      When Philip was seven years old, the family settled in the new house in Potsdam. Then August enrolled in a boarding school named after Albrecht Altdorfer1 and Philip began to study in a private school that was located not far from their home. August used to think if he should transfer to study there, but enduring life with his stepfather during vacations without any pleasure and rarely seeing his mother who was a fashion designer that often traveled to other countries to fashion shows or art exhibitions, constantly changed his mind.

      Anyways, August liked the boarding school. The demanding attitude of teachers forged a good and ambitious character in him; he had a strong will and was a reliable friend. In addition, the school held a good reputation in the world of historical reconstructions: the appearance of the stone castle with a preserved forest in the district created a pleasant space. August had skills in fencing, and he even participated in international competitions. In addition, in the boarding school he could run, jump, make noise, and generally lead a life according to his age.

      Arriving for a summer vacation, August yearned again. The boy did not unpack his things and just put the suitcase in the closet. His mother stayed with him the whole day and half of the night before she flew to Florence for the next show. August in the hearts asked to take him there too, but she refused, saying that there will be only the work, and Sebastian just took some holidays to spend time with children.

      – For what? – August did not believe what he was hearing. – He never liked to spend time with us…

      – Last night we had a conversation with Sebastian, darling, – his mother said, long-haired beautiful woman, wearing a dark blue coat and old gloves, fashionable in this season. – And decided it would be better if you stayed here. I know that you have a relationship; which is unimportant – she said, kissing his cheek – but it would be better.

      And his mom came out to the yard, lit by artsy lanterns, leaving him completely alone in this unfriendly place. August stood for a while near the window, watching her step into the car and as it turns at the end of the alley and disappears in the dark, until he heard someone coughed beside him.

      Decided that it is not necessary to be on the sight of anyone right now, August rapidly reached the ladder and safely locked himself in his room. There was a consolation in the thought that a couple of weeks after his own father had to take him watch the baseball championship, and then August would go back to school at the annual summer camp festival, to which he was preparing the entire previous year. The camp program consisted of sports events, including his favorite historical reconstructions, the Olympiads of the school subjects and musical parades.

      August changed for the dinner. Sebastian insisted on this old-fashioned habit. He often said that “a gentleman always have to be a gentleman,” adjusting a small bow tie on his pale, thin neck.

      Speaking as soft as possible (as he thought), Sebastian greeted August, saying that the next day they are going fishing with Philip. However, he did not invite his stepson with them. “Well, well, – thought August, watching as the younger brother sedately sits at the table, keeping his back perpendicular (why won’t he just show his tongue in the second as Sebastian turns away, but no – he was immensely calm), – let them go!”.

      – Is there something you wanted to say? – shrewdly looking at him asked his stepfather.

      – No, Herr, nothing, – August just grinned. – I wish you a pleasant bite.

      – I told you several times to call me Dad, – Sebastian said, piercing the boy with his eyes.

      “I’d rather cross the Pacific Ocean swimming; than call you so”, – August answered mentally, continuing with appropriate gratefulness to chew the unloved spinach and pork.

      After the dinner, stepping to his room, August found a couple of messages in the internet from his school mates and fencing coach. They all wished him a pleasurable holiday and expressed the hope to see him soon again. August spent a couple СКАЧАТЬ


German artist, master of paintings and engravings of historical and religious subjects.