In The Darkness. Damantha Makarova
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Название: In The Darkness

Автор: Damantha Makarova

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006400979


СКАЧАТЬ >In The Darkness

      Damantha Makarova

      обложка создана при помощи нейросети Kandinsky

      © Damantha Makarova, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0064-0097-9

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      In the Darkness

      Part I In the Shadows


      * * *

      Have you ever feared the shadows that surround you wherever you go? Well, in some cases – this fear is more than necessary.

      This world was ruined. It collapsed under many different things, among which stood the arrogance and vanity of those, who called themselves scientists. They dabbled in things they should have left untouched. And because they made a huge mistake – the world fell and many people died.

      No one knew why the experiments went awry, but the result was devastating. Portals started opening almost in each and every shadow there was – portals to different planes and times, and chaos began spreading as people started disappearing and various creatures began appearing from elsewhere.

      Hard as it was, those who survived the initial attacks began organising survival camps and trying to sort things out. And while the remaining researchers and scientists were doing their best to close the portals – others were staying alive.

      When the first shock subsided and people started understanding the new order, there was a lot to take in. First, and foremost, there was no longer a way to tell if the person you have met on the road belonged to the same world that you have. And so began the paranoia and the hatred that drove people apart.

      Humans could no longer trust each other, and all the scattered groups of survivors began succumbing to violence.

      People killed people for the simple fact that they seemed weird or not themselves.

      Kara loved the new world for a number of reasons. She was never a big part of the society – rather, the outcast in any group, so staying alive all by herself was something she was used to. She was tough and before the Shadow Rifts appeared – she was always engaged in learning something that could help her be the master of her life.

      Over the years she heard a lot of discouraging things from her family and the few so-called friends she had, but she always pushed through. As long as she felt happy and excited – nothing really mattered to her.

      And when everything crumbled, and she was separated from her family – she just accepted how things were and found herself a little place hidden deep under the city. There she made her private bunker, where she kept the provisions and weapons she managed to find.

      Everything seemed perfect – Kara found her little safe haven, where she could practice and relax, not bothering to think about anyone else.

      However, it didn’t matter how well-lit any building or home could be. And the generators could also break and extinguish all the light sources, opening a way for the Shadow Rifts to open any time.

      And so was the case with Kara’s hideout.

      The generator died on her when night was creeping up, so the rooms of her bunker immediately went dark, forcing her to retreat upstairs, to the still vaguely lit rooms of the building, under which she found her new home.

      There she lit all the lamps and candles she could find, but suddenly heard movement in the shadows that surrounded her.

      Turning to the source, she noticed a few peculiar figures that seemed very much out of place – or, rather, out of time.

      It was a small group of samurai – Japanese men, equipped like ancient warriors and armed with beautiful weapons Kara had seen only in museums.

      Feeling her spine tense and her fists tighten, the young woman readied herself for a fight. Cursing at herself for not grabbing any weapons to defend herself with, she could only trust in her skills in hand-to-hand combat and her extensive training.

      When the first man attacked, she managed to step aside and trip him over her foot, while jumping forward to another one. She noticed an empty champagne bottle on the floor and swiftly picked it up to hit the attacker with it right in his face.

      This gave her time to jump over a table and grab the only things that could pass for weapons – two drumsticks which lay there after she was having fun with the drum set that stood in the far corner of this room.

      Angry at the men, who dared to invade her home, she taunted them, drumming out a short, but war-proclaiming tune on the table, before readying for the fight again.

      It was then that Kara noticed an exceptionally looking older man, who walked up to the table, looking straight at the young woman.

      He said something to his men, and they stepped back.

      «Alright. You must be what… their warlord, or something?» Kara growled under her breath, trying to keep everyone in her sight. «Leave. And don’t come back.»

      The man smirked and tilted his head a bit to the side.

      To Kara’s surprise, there was someone she didn’t notice before. But she heard him taking a step right behind her. She ducked just in time to avoid two strong arms that tried grabbing her from behind. After that she suddenly found herself swirling around the man, avoiding his hits and at one moment she was fortunate enough to reach him with one of the drumsticks.

      The tip hit him in the eye, crushing the back of the eye-socket with a grim crunch, and the man stumbled back, then froze for a moment and fell to the floor.

      Before she could turn to the others, someone hit her on the back of her neck, and she fell to her knees.

      «You assholes!» she mumbled angrily, trying to stay conscious, but another hit sent her flying into the darkness.

      When she awakened, she found herself lying on a hard wooden floor of some tented cart, surrounded by boxes of what she realized was her stuff. She saw provisions and herbs she had back at home, the notebooks and books, clothes and some of the other things she had as a memory of the world before it fell.

      Feeling dizzy and a bit irritated, she looked at the back of the cart and noticed a samurai sitting there. He must have fallen asleep or was weary from the road, because he didn’t hear her wake up. Kara found a knife she used to have in her kitchen and took it, finding these samurai men quite stupid for not binding her hands.

      Her attack was quick and the man fell to the road with a knife sticking out of his neck. Kara fell out as well, but quickly jumped to her feet and darted off into the thicket – moments before she heard horses riding after her.

      Within a minute she was surrounded by the samurai again, and forced to stop.

      The men were talking among themselves, but she couldn’t understand anything, so she took this time to think of a way to escape.

      She never liked hurting animals, but there was no other way than to jump to one of the horses and hit it in the nose to startle the beast and try running by, while the rider СКАЧАТЬ