Pretty Girl Thirteen. Liz Coley
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Название: Pretty Girl Thirteen

Автор: Liz Coley

Издательство: HarperCollins



isbn: 9780007468522




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       For J, who survived.

      Table of Contents

       Title Page


       Prologue: Lost Time

       Part I: You

       1. Interrogation

       2. Examination

       3. Evaluation

       Part II: We

       4. Reunion

       5. Invitation

       6. Repression

       7. Proposition

       8. Communication

       9. Competition

       10. Deletion

       11. Apparition

       12. Reputation

       13. Confrontation

       14. Renovation

       15. Integration

       Part III: I

       16. Confession

       17. Possession

       18. Detention

       19. Conflagration

       20. Decision


       Author’s Note


       About the Author


       About the Publisher

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       YOU HAD FORGOTTEN HOW EARLY THE SUN RISES ON SUMMER campouts—and how loud the birds sing in the morning. You scrunched down in your warm sleeping bag to block out the green light that seeped through the nylon tent, but there was no way you were going back to sleep until you took care of something. As you shrugged off the sleeping bag, you sighed.

       “’Sup, Angie?” Livvie’s whisper emerged from the folds of her sleeping bag.

       Katie rustled lower into her plaid cocoon and pulled it closed over her head.

       “I just have to go to the tree,” you answered, Girl Scout code for taking care of business.

       “Anyone else up yet?” Liv cracked one eye and squinted at you.

       “I don’t think so.” You sniffed. “No one’s started the breakfast fire.”

       Liv’s one eye widened. “It’s not our turn, is it?”

       “Nope. Go back to sleep.”

       You unzipped the tent and slipped out into the fresh, pink morning. Rosy clouds lofted high above the trees. Pine needles underfoot muffled the sound of your flip-flops as you snuck away from the collection of tents. No one else was stirring. The sun hadn’t warmed the air yet, and the T-shirt you wore left your arms bare and goosebumpy.

       A few thousand pine trees surrounded the clearing where the troop had pitched camp yesterday afternoon—lodge-pole, ponderosa, Jeffrey, sugar pines. Mrs. Wells had made you memorize their bark and needles to earn your tree-ID badge. You found the trail you’d tromped along yesterday to walk into the campsite and headed down it a little way, looking for a thicker stand of trees. That was about as much privacy as you could get in the great outdoors. Tiny ripe August thimbleberries lined the path, and you munched a few as an early breakfast, the tart red juice staining your lips and fingers. A fallen tree with a saucer-shaped fungus lay across the path, and you filed it away in your brain as a landmark. Then you left the path and headed twenty feet or more into the woods to a good squatting place.

       You spun in a slow circle to shake off the feeling you always had out here that someone was watching, before you hitched down your sweatpants and crouched. It was an art, peeing in the woods without splashing your feet or clothes, at least for girls.

       A twig snapped sudden as a rifle shot. Your heart bumped in shock. Your eyes swiveled toward the direction of the sound, expecting a squirrel. СКАЧАТЬ