Approaches to Soil Health Analysis, Volume 1. Группа авторов
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Название: Approaches to Soil Health Analysis, Volume 1

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Биология


isbn: 9780891189848


СКАЧАТЬ on id="u59930e1b-3554-5bde-b116-a871623aadc1">


      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Series Page

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright Page

      5  Dedication Page

      6  Foreword References

      7  Preface References

      8  1 Soil Health: An Overview and Goals for These Volumes Synopsis of Two‐Volume Book Introduction Summary and Conclusion References

      9  2 Evolution of the Soil Health Movement Introduction Pre‐20th Century Soil Awareness From 1900 to 1970 From 1970 to 2000 – Soil Quality Emerges 21st Century Developments in Soil Health References

      10  3 The Utility and Futility of Soil Health Assessment Chapter Overview Introduction Analytical Methods Soil Health Limitations Conclusions References

      11  4 Metadata: An Essential Component for Interpreting Soil Health Measurements Methods and Frequency Discussion Summary Acknowledgments References

      12  5 Soil Health Assessment of Agricultural Lands Summary Overview of Assessments Assessment Frameworks Evolving Soil Health Assessment Activities References

      13  6 Soil Health Assessment of Forest Soils Introduction Ecosystem Examples Conclusion: Criteria and Indicators for Monitoring Forest Soil Health Summary Acknowledgments References

      14  7 A Risk‐Based Soil Health Approach to Management of Soil Lead Introduction Urban Soil Lead Assessment and Human Exposure Soil Health Based Assessment and Management of Soil Lead Practical Assessment of Soil Lead Summary and Conclusions References

      15  8 The Future of Soil Health Assessments: Tools and Strategies Introduction References

      16  Epilogue References

      17  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Timeless generic strategies for improving soils.Table 3.2 Selected NRCS conservation practices identified as also having a so...Table 3.3 Categories of soil health tests, each with unique characteristics b...Table 3.4 Potential soil health tests for evaluating various natural resource...

      2 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Metadata related to temporal and spatial properties of soil health.

      3 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Examples of soil physical, chemical, and biological properties that...Table 6.2 Forest soil sampling intensity of FIA plots by forest‐type group.

      4 Chapter СКАЧАТЬ