Okinawa Sai-jutsu. Jamal Measara
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Название: Okinawa Sai-jutsu

Автор: Jamal Measara

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9783938305911


СКАЧАТЬ ection id="u5a679a85-f0a3-5abd-96a2-395ea697ff40">


      Jamal Measara

      Okinawa Sai-jutsu


      Please note that neither the author nor the publisher of this book assume liability for any injuries or other consequences of any kind that may occur by following the instructions herein.

      Der Verlag dankt Dr. Sven Hensel, Dr. Janett Kühnert und Norbert Wölfel vom Chemnitzer Karateverein für die fachliche Unterstützung bei der Redaktion.


      1. Auflage Dezember 2012

      © 2012 by Palisander Verlag, Chemnitz

      Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kein Teil des Werkes darf in irgendeiner Form (durch Fotografie, Mikrofilm oder ein anderes Verfahren) ohne schriftliche Genehmigung des Verlages reproduziert oder unter Verwendung elektronischer Systeme verarbeitet, vervielfältigt oder verbreitet werden.

      Umschlaggestaltung: Anja Elstner, unter Verwendung der Fotografie »Nakamura House in Kitanakagusuku« von »663highland«, Wikimedia Commons, lizenziert unter Creative-Commons-Lizenz BY 2.5, URL:​licenses/​by/​2.5/​legalcode, einer Kalligraphie von Michiko Shimabukuro und einer Fotografie von Maximilian Rind

      Lektorat: Frank Elstner

      Redaktion & Layout: Frank Elstner

      1. digitale Auflage: Zeilenwert GmbH 2015

      ISBN 978-3-938305-91-1

      I thank Kanei Hitoshi Sensei for the perpetuation of the heritage of his father Kanei Katsuyoshi Sensei, the founder of the Okinawa Jinbukan Kobudō. Furthermore, I thank Mrs. Shimabukuro for having made the calligraphy used on the cover of this book, Mr. Arnab Gosh, Mr. and Mrs. Muth and Mr. Iqbal Mohammed for the translation of the text, and Mr Ottmar Perras for acting as model on the photographs. I also thank Mrs. Monika Leupold for her great commitment. Without her comprehensive participation this book would not exist. I thank Mr. Alexander Börsch for his support, and also my wife Mrs. Heidemarie Measara, and all persons not mentioned who contributed in the creation of this work.

      The author is the owner of the copyright of all illustrations used in this book.

      I would like to dedicate this book to my late beloved brother Kadir. It was he who had approached my cousin Pharok – a teacher of Silat Gayong, the Malaysian art of self defence – to teach me the art of the Tjabang (Sai). This was back in the 1960 s, when Pharok lived in the same city as me: Seremban, Malaysia. Even though that instruction was only for a short period of time, it was my first encounter with the Sai. Thank you, my brother, for whatever you have done for me.








       Author’s Note



       A Short Autobiograhical Notice

       A Note on Martial Arts


       The Sai

       Japanese Nomenclature of the Anatomy of the Sai

       Safety Precautions with the Sai

       The Rei – the bow

       Tachi Gata – Stances

       Mochi – Grips

       Kihon – the Basics

       Hojo Undō – Preparatory Exercises

       The Kata

       What I expect from a Budōka



       Additional Books


      Before I even finished my third СКАЧАТЬ