In Clive's Command. Herbert Strang
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Название: In Clive's Command

Автор: Herbert Strang

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664643117



       Herbert Strang

      In Clive's Command

      A Story of the Fight for India

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4057664643117


       Chapter 1 : In which the Court Leet of Market Drayton entertains Colonel Robert Clive; and our hero makes an acquaintance.

       Chapter 2 : In which our hero overhears a conversation; and, meeting with the unexpected, is none the less surprised and offended.

       Chapter 3 : In which Mr. Marmaduke Diggle talks of the Golden East; and our hero interrupts an interview, and dreams dreams.

       Chapter 4 : In which blows are exchanged; and our hero, setting forth upon his travels, scents an adventure.

       Chapter 5 : In which Job Grinsell explains; and three visitors come by night to the Four Alls.

       Chapter 6 : In which the reader becomes acquainted with William Bulger and other sailor men; and our hero as a squire of dames acquits himself with credit.

       Chapter 7 : In which Colonel Clive suffers an unrecorded defeat; and our hero finds food for reflection.

       Chapter 8 : In which several weeks are supposed to elapse; and our hero is discovered in the Doldrums.

       Chapter 9 : In which the Good Intent makes a running fight: Mr. Toley makes a suggestion.

       Chapter 10 : In which our hero arrives in the Golden East, and Mr. Diggle presents him to a native prince.

       Chapter 11 : In which the Babu tells the story of King Vikramaditya; and the discerning reader may find more than appears on the surface.

       Chapter 12 : In which our hero is offered freedom at the price of honor; and Mr. Diggle finds that others can quote Latin on occasion.

       Chapter 13 : In which Mr. Diggle illustrates his argument; and there are strange doings in Gheria harbor.

       Chapter 14 : In which seven bold men light a big bonfire; and the Pirate finds our hero a bad bargain.

       Chapter 15 : In which our hero weathers a storm; and prepares for squalls.

       Chapter 16 : In which a mutiny is quelled in a minute; and our Babu proves himself a man of war.

       Chapter 17 : In which our hero finds himself among friends; and Colonel Clive prepares to astonish Angria.

       Chapter 18 : In which Angria is astonished; and our hero begins to pay off old scores.

       Chapter 19 : In which the scene changes; the dramatis personae remaining the same.

       Chapter 20 : In which there are recognitions and explanations; and our hero meets one Coja Solomon, of Cossimbazar.

       Chapter 21 : In which Coja Solomon finds dishonesty the worse policy; and a journey down the Hugli little to his liking.

       Chapter 22 : In which is given a full, true, and particular account of the Battle of the Carts.

       Chapter 23 : In which there are many moving events; and our hero finds himself a cadet of John Company.

       Chapter 24 : In which the danger of judging by appearance is notably exemplified.

       Chapter 25 : In which our hero embarks on a hazardous mission; and Monsieur Sinfray's khansaman makes a confession.

       Chapter 26 : In which presence of mind is shown to be next best to absence of body.

       Chapter 27 : In which an officer of the Nawab disappears; and Bulger reappears.

       Chapter 28 : In which Captain Barker has cause to rue the day when he met Mr. Diggle; and our hero continues to wipe off old scores.

       Chapter 29 : In which our hero does not win the Battle of Plassey: but, where all do well, gains as much glory as the rest.

       Chapter 30 : In which Coja Solomon reappears: and gives our hero valuable information.

       Chapter 31 : In which friends meet, and part: and our hero hints a proposal.

       Chapter СКАЧАТЬ