The Story of Gösta Berling. Selma Lagerlöf
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Название: The Story of Gösta Berling

Автор: Selma Lagerlöf

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664633637


СКАЧАТЬ Berling!” and the new-comers were embraced by one after another.

      Few questions were asked. The night was far advanced, the travellers were agitated by their terrible drive and needed rest. It was enough that Anna had come.

      All was well. Only “Corinne” and the green plaid, Mamselle Ulrika’s prized gift, were destroyed.

      The whole house slept. But Gösta rose, dressed himself, and stole out. Unnoticed he led Don Juan out of the stable, harnessed him to the sledge, and meant to set out. But Anna Stjärnhök came out from the house.

      “I heard you go out,” she said. “So I got up, too. I am ready to go with you.”

      He went up to her and took her hand.

      “Don’t you understand it yet? It cannot be. God does not wish it. Listen now and try to understand. I was here to dinner and saw their grief over your faithlessness. I went to Borg to bring you back to Ferdinand. But I have always been a good-for-nothing, and will never be anything else. I betrayed him, and kept you for myself. There is an old woman here who believes that I shall become a man. I betrayed her. And another poor old thing will freeze and starve here for the sake of dying among friends, but I was ready to let the wicked Sintram take her home. You were beautiful, and sin is sweet. It is so easy to tempt Gösta Berling. Oh, what a miserable wretch I am! I know how they love their home, all those in there, but I was ready just now to leave it to be pillaged. I forgot everything for your sake, you were so sweet in your love. But now, Anna, now since I have seen their joy, I will not keep you; no, I will not. You could have made a man of me, but I may not keep you. Oh, my beloved! He there above mocks at our desires. We must bow under His chastising hand. Tell me that you from this day will take up your burden! All of them rely upon you. Say that you will stay with them and be their prop and help! If you love me, if you will lighten my deep sorrow, promise me this! My beloved, is your heart so great that you can conquer yourself, and smile in doing it?”

      She accepted the renunciation in a sort of ecstasy.

      “I shall do as you wish—sacrifice myself and smile.”

      “And not hate my poor friends?”

      She smiled sadly.

      “As long as I love you, I shall love them.”

      “Now for the first time I know what you are. It is hard to leave you.”

      “Farewell, Gösta! Go, and God be with you! My love shall not tempt you to sin.”

      She turned to go in. He followed her.

      “Will you soon forget me?”

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