Coach to Coach. Martin Rooney
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Название: Coach to Coach

Автор: Martin Rooney

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Банковское дело


isbn: 9781119662204


СКАЧАТЬ id="u488b0a9d-5123-52fb-9b13-3a4eb170fca6">


      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Praise for Coach to Coach

      3  Foreword

      4  Introduction

      5  1 The Tunnel

      6  2 The Grind

      7  3 The Showup Showdown

      8  4 Cup of Coffee

      9  5 Enthusiasm

      10  6 Ultimatum

      11  7 The Right Target

      12  8 Eating Crow

      13  9 The Real Definition

      14  10 The Golden Rule

      15  11 A Turning Point

      16  12 The Two Abilities

      17  13 Pointing Fingers

      18  14 The Secret Move

      19  15 The Holy Grail

      20  16 Do the Work

      21  17 Game Day

      22  18 Bag of Peanuts

      23  Acknowledgments

      24  About the Author Want to spend some time Coach to Coach?

      25  End User License Agreement


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  i

      2  ii

      3  iii

      4  iv

      5  v

      6  ix

      7  x

      8  xi

      9  xii

      10  xv

      11  xvi

      12  xvii

      13  xviii

      14  1

      15  3

      16  4

      17  5

      18  7

      19  9

      20  10

      21  11

      22  13

      23  СКАЧАТЬ