Название: Shadow Of Death
Автор: Amy Blankenship
Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.
Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика
Серия: Blood Bound Book
isbn: 9788873041658
Glancing back up the tunnel, Michael hissed not seeing Angelica. With all the hatch and maintenance doors, not counting the fact that there were sub tunnels under this one, he would have to figure out which way she had gone.
Speeding up his movement, he became little more than a blur, slowing down when he came to a cross section that broke off in four different directions.
“Syn,” Michael whispered not liking the odds.
He felt Syn brush against his mind letting him know that Angelica was all right and in good hands. He wasn’t about to ask his father any questions about that and almost wondered how Syn knew he was there. It would have been a stupid question… Syn always knew where his children were.
Michael looked to the far left, sensing his father’s aura down the darkest tunnel and felt relief knowing his mother was safe. Feeling the vibration of another train coming, he leaned back against the wall and stared straight into the long train as it passed.
Sharpening his sight, he caught the quick images of people in their seats then noticed something else. As each separate car went past… there was a lapse between them to where he could see the other side of the double track. Standing there staring back at him was a woman with long platinum blond hair blowing around her from the wind coming off the train.
Michael no longer cared about the passengers as he focused only on her. She was dressed in an oversized white shirt that fluttered from the pressure of the air. He noted the top four buttons were undone and dangerously close to exposing more than just her flawless cleavage.
He lowered his gaze to see her shirt came to mid-thigh along with the edges of a black pleated skirt that was covering maybe two inches more than the shirt was. The bottom of the cloth was followed by long shapely legs. Slowly raising his gaze back to her face, Michael wondered if she had enthralled him. Even dressed like a street rat, she was the loveliest thing he had ever seen.
Aurora had been caught off guard when she’d felt the power near her skyrocket and crept out of her hiding place. She readied herself for a fight thinking maybe one of the master demons had caught her scent and was closing in on her. She was tired of running from the powerful ones… she’d been running from them since escaping Samuel and coming through the rift.
She wasn’t a coward though… she’d killed most of the demons she’d come across, but there were those that actually frightened her so she’d spent an equal amount of time trying to stay one step ahead of them. She knew what would happen if she was captured by the wrong demon… Samuel had taught her that lesson the hard way.
Zeroing in on the soul in front of her now, she felt confusion having nothing to compare it with. The soul wasn’t human… nor was it demon. It was more akin to staring into the sun. Her lips parted as she drew her gaze away from the soul and looked at the man with strange amethyst eyes in wonder.
Michael gripped the guardrail ready to leap over it as the end of the train came closer. No matter what she was… she appeared lost and alone and she was staring at him as if he were her savoir.
Aurora inhaled sharply when he was suddenly inches in front of her but she still didn’t feel the need to run or fight as she did with the demons. She slowly raised her gaze, pausing at his perfect lips before staring up into the most beautiful eyes she’d ever seen.
“You shouldn’t be down here… it’s dangerous,” Michael warned fighting his instinct to reach for her… to save her from whatever she feared.
Aurora’s eyes lowered right back to his lips as he talked and she took a step closer. “Are you real?” she raised her hand wanting touch his face but hesitated. “Can I touch you?”
“I wish you would,” Michael breathed as every emotion within him strained to shatter. The second her soft fingertips touched his cheek, one emotion broke free of the rest… want. Dipping his head, he captured her lips in desperation.
Chapter 2
Aurora inhaled the stranger’s shuddering breath, sliding her fingers into his silky hair to grip it and pull him even closer. She tilted her head back when his arm came around her like a steel band and jerked her flush against him. His show of strength didn’t frighten her… it only made him more real to her.
Michael backed her up against the block wall as he deepened the kiss. He could feel the swells of her breasts touching his chest as she started moving against him in a very seductive rhythm but nothing could be more seductive than the sounds she was making against his lips.
He had a fleeting second where he wondered if she was some kind of demon that fed on sex then pushed the thought away. At the moment he didn’t care… if that was what she wanted then he would feed her as much as she needed.
Moving his hand down to her upper thigh, he lifted her and guided both her legs until they were wrapped securely around his waist. As his hand slid up in under her skirt to hold her, he lost his breath again feeling her naked ass in the palms of his hands.
Michael growled straining upwards toward her. He couldn’t have been any harder as he pressed himself against her core feeling her heat all the way through his clothing.
Aurora was heady with the sensations of being kissed so fiercely and held by the only male Fallen she’d ever encountered. Running her hand down his chest, she marveled at the rippling muscles the shirt concealed. In her rush, she didn’t take time to expose what was hidden there… her true destination was lower.
She reached down between them and cupped the straining hardness she found there. It pulsed against her eager hand, causing her to make a strangled sound deep in her throat. On instinct, she used her hold on him to lift herself and quickly free his thickness from the confines of the cloth. In one smooth motion, she had him where she wanted him.
Michael pulled back from the kiss and stared into her eyes as the throbbing head of his erection pressed upward against her tight, heated opening. His breath left him when that tightness encased and squeezed the first inch of him with disturbing slowness. Their gaze held as she gripped his shoulders for leverage and pushed… impaling herself down on him.
The air rushed back into his starving lungs as he thrust upwards to get even deeper inside her. Did she have a clue what she was doing to him?
Surging forward, Michael trapped her against the wall burying his face in the arch of her neck when his fangs suddenly lengthened. He growled harshly against her ear and lifted her… only for her to fight the separation and force herself back down on him. She rolled her hips and ground against him shattering any control he had left.
Planting his palms against the wall on each side of her, they met thrust for thrust ignoring the train that was coming.
Closing his lips so she wouldn’t see his exposed fangs, Michael leaned back and watched her ecstasy as the wind from the subway train made her hair flutter around her angelic face, her cries mingling with the thundering sound of the train as it passed. He felt her pulsate around him as she came and knew the sight of her like this would forever be ingrained within his mind’s eye.
Aurora pressed her back hard against the wall, keeping one hand on his shoulder and moving the other up to grip a pipe that was jutting out of the wall above her. Using the pipe to her advantage, she СКАЧАТЬ