The Kincaids: New Money. Jennifer Lewis
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Название: The Kincaids: New Money

Автор: Jennifer Lewis

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472012647


СКАЧАТЬ never had anybody to fight with, and I’m not sure that’s a good thing. Sibling spats must teach you how to negotiate with people.”

      He laughed. “Are you saying I honed my business bargaining skills over the Hot Wheels set I shared with Matt?”

      “Quite possibly.” She sipped her champagne, a smile spreading across her lips. RJ was visibly relaxing, his features softening and the lines of worry leaving his face. “Whatever you did as children has made you close as adults. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a family spend so much time together.”

      RJ sighed. “I really thought we were the perfect family, but now the entire world knows that was just an illusion.”

      “No family is perfect. Yours is still close-knit and loving, even after everything that’s happened.”

      The waiter brought their appetizers, fried calamari with a green tomato salsa.

      “We’ll get through this. I need to focus on what makes us stronger, not what’s threatening to tear us apart. And somehow you’ve managed to deflect the conversation off yourself again.” He raised a brow. “You’re a mysterious character, Brooke. What do you do when you’re peacefully alone in your private palace?”

      She shrugged. It would have been nice to be able to chatter gaily about flamenco dancing sessions and cocktail parties, but she wasn’t one to embroider the truth. She had friends over once or twice a month, but mostly she valued the peace and quiet of her sanctuary after a long day at work. “I read a lot.” She paused to nibble a crispy piece of calamari. “Not very exciting, is it?”

      “I guess that depends on how good a book you’re reading.” His blue gaze rested on her face, and she warmed under it. “Sometimes I think I should make more time for quiet pastimes like reading. Might improve my mind.”

      She laughed. “I can’t see you sitting still long enough to read a book.”

      “Maybe that’s something I need to work on.” He hadn’t touched his food. If anything he seemed transfixed by her, unable to take his eyes off her face. Brooke felt her breathing grow shallow under his intense stare. “I used to go out to our hunting cabin at least once a month with my dad. We’d mellow out and recharge our batteries together. I haven’t been there since he died.”

      “Can you still go visit it?”

      “It’s mine now. He left it to me in his will.” A shadow passed over his face. The same will that left almost half the company to Jack Sinclair. “It’s been sitting empty since he died.”

      “Why don’t you go there?”

      He shrugged. “I never went there without Dad. I can’t imagine going alone and I can’t think of anyone I’d want to go with.” His expression changed and his eyes widened slightly. “You. You could come with me.”

      “Oh, I don’t think so.” She shifted in her chair. Their first date wasn’t even over yet and he was inviting her on an overnight trip? She knew his family never went there just for the day. It was probably a long drive. She’d likely be expected to share a bed with him and so far they’d only kissed once. Already her heart pounded with a mix of excitement and sheer terror.

      RJ’s face brightened. “We’ll go this weekend. Just you and me. We’ll get Frankie Deleon’s to pack us some gourmet meals and we’ll spend a weekend in peace.”

      “I don’t know anything about hunting.” The idea of killing things made her cringe.

      “Don’t worry, we don’t have to really hunt. Dad and I mostly just walked around in the mountains carrying the guns as an excuse. It’s so peaceful up there it seems a crime to pierce the air with a shot.”

      She smiled. “That’s a funny image. So there aren’t racks of antlers on the living room wall?”

      “There’s one set but we bought it at an antiques auction.” His eyes twinkled. “We call him Uncle Dave. We did sometimes go fishing and eat the fish, though. Fishing was the only time I ever saw Dad sit still for more than a few minutes.”

      “I used to fish with my friend June’s family years ago. They’d take a camper to a lake and stay there for a week every summer. I caught a huge rainbow trout once.”

      “Excellent. Now we know what we’re doing this weekend.” He rubbed his hands together with enthusiasm. “Nice to have something to look forward to as this promises to be a long week.”

      Brooke didn’t know what to say. He’d already planned her weekend without even waiting for a response. Yes, he was her boss, but going fishing on the weekends was not part of her job description. She should be mad at his arrogance.

      On the other hand, a weekend in the mountains with RJ … What girl would say no to that?

      Her. “I don’t think I should come. I’m sure you have other friends you could invite.” Her gut was telling her to slow this whole train ride before it went off the tracks. “I have … things to do here at home.”

      “Are you afraid I’ll take advantage of you, out there in the lonesome woods?” He tilted his head and lifted a brow.

      “Yes.” Her blood sizzled at the prospect.

      “You’re absolutely right, of course.”

      “I think it’s a bit premature.”

      “Of course, we’ve only known each other five years.” A dimple appeared in his left cheek, emphasizing his high cheekbones.

      “You know what I mean.”

      “Sure. One amazing kiss is not enough to plan an entire weekend around.”

      She shrugged. “Something like that.”

      “How many kisses? Two, three?” He looked impatiently at the expanse of tablecloth between them. Humor twinkled in his eyes.

      “Probably somewhere around five.” She fought to keep a smile from her mouth.

      “Five years and five kisses.” He looked thoughtful. “Let’s see what we can do before the night is out.”

      The handsome waiter whisked their appetizer plates away and settled their mains in front of them while the sommelier poured two glasses of white wine. She’d barely made a dent in her champagne. Maybe that was her problem. She needed to drink a bit more to take the edge off her inhibitions. The whiskey had certainly done wonders for RJ yesterday. On the other hand, the prospect of four more kisses before the evening ended made her light-headed.

      She could see the glow of impending victory in RJ’s eyes. She’d become familiar with that look in meetings right when he knew he’d clinched a big deal. RJ hated to lose, and sometimes went after quite small clients just for the satisfaction of beating the competition.

      Apparently she was to be his next conquest. Her blood pressure ratcheted up a notch. RJ in motion was hard to stop. “Can you really get away for the weekend with everything that’s going on right now?”

      RJ raised a dark brow. “That’s exactly why I need to get away.” He reached out and touched her fingers gently where they sat at the base of her СКАЧАТЬ