Название: A Forever Christmas
Автор: Missy Tippens
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр: Короткие любовные романы
Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired
isbn: 9781408964477
He studied her for a couple of seconds, stunned by the news, yet trying to hold his stiff smile in place. “Oh. That’s…nice.”
He tried his best not to stare. To act as if it were no big deal to see her again. But he couldn’t help it. Beyond all reason, she was even more beautiful at thirty-two than she’d been as a teenager. Her hair was still long and blond, her eyes that warm, light brown. He had once thought they seemed to have light behind them.
He used to wonder if God gave her that glow. Used to resent it at the same time he wanted it.
But now, the light wasn’t there. She seemed…sad.
“Gregory, what are you doing back so soon?” Donna Rae asked as she lumbered up the aisle.
He slowly dragged his attention to Donna Rae. “I’m actually here to beg you for a favor.” He held up two car booster seats, one in each hand. “Can you take the boys to my dad’s house after rehearsal? I just got a call to meet a potential client and won’t be back in time.”
“Sure. Just put the seats in my car for me.”
“Thanks. I owe you one.” He scanned the room for his boys. Chase was fine, playing with friends. But Hunter sat alone. It killed him to see his son so unhappy.
Donna Rae shooed him out. “Go ahead. We’ll take care of him.”
He glanced at Sarah, then nodded, his mind racing.
Sarah Radcliffe. Here in Magnolia.
Directing the Christmas play.
As he installed the booster seats and then drove to his meeting, he tried not to think about her or the sadness clinging to her.
They’d had such a roller-coaster past. He’d been crazy about her from the moment he laid eyes on her. He’d had big plans, including marriage. But then she’d dumped him—because her judgmental parents had thought he wasn’t good enough for their little princess.
She had no idea what that rejection had done to him.
And then there had been all that stuff with her dad. Gregory still prayed no one would find out about it.
But he couldn’t dwell on it. He had work to do. He padlocked all thoughts of Sarah. Relegated them to the painful past. The better-left-unopened past.
Before Sarah could fully comprehend that Gregory had been there, he was gone, leaving a vacuum that wanted to suck her out the door after him.
But then, it had always been like that between them. He was every bit as gorgeous today as he had been the first day of her sophomore year in high school, the day he, a senior, first noticed her and leaned against her locker to talk. Blue eyes twinkling. Turning on that bad boy charm. He’d been like some kind of powerful magnet, and she hadn’t stood a chance.
But she’d grown up. At thirty-two, she was a far cry from that starry-eyed teenager. She was much wiser, with lots of experience under her belt. No way would she fall for his charm again. Besides, he didn’t look quite so confident now that he had responsibilities—a business to run and children to care for. “So does Gregory still have his landscaping business?” she asked Donna Rae.
She nodded. “Yeah. But I just hate all the hours he works.”
“I imagine it’s slowing some for the winter.”
“You’d think it would. But he seems to always be full throttle no matter the season. And with this being his first Christmas to do everything without Lindsay, he’s putting pressure on himself to make it the best Christmas ever.”
Sarah could see the worry on Donna Rae’s face, could hear it in her voice. As she looked across the sanctuary at Hunter, sitting by himself on a pew, she wondered how Gregory would be able to do it all. And wondered what kind of man he’d grown up to be.
She couldn’t shake thoughts of him as Donna Rae gathered the children and led them through the rehearsal. Distracted and scattered, Sarah started when Donna Rae introduced her as the new director.
The precious four-to-six-year-olds stared up at her expectantly. A few even clapped, so she waved to them. “Thank you. I used to be in the Christmas play when I was a child, so I know we’re going to have a good time together.”
Donna Rae sat down, and Sarah could see she was in pain. Donna Rae waved her away when she tried to help. “I’m fine. Just a contraction. Go ahead and hand out the schedule.”
All eyes were on Sarah. It was the first time she’d been around children since Peter’s funeral, and she found it difficult to go on. But she had to. Too late to back out now.
When she finished passing out the papers, she said, “Well, I see some parents gathering in the back. So I guess it’s time to go. I’ll see you at the next practice.”
Though it demanded more energy than Sarah had at the moment, she made a point to meet each parent. As stragglers arrived late to pick up their children, she kept a close watch on Donna Rae. “Do you want me to call the doctor?”
“No. Really, I’m fine. But I probably need to go on home and put my feet up. Make Vinny pamper me.” She smiled, but it was tinged with worry.
“Can you take Hunter and Chase to Harry’s house for me?”
Gregory’s father wouldn’t hold any fond memories of Sarah. She dreaded facing him. “Of course. I’ll walk you to your car and get their seats.” She knelt in front of Hunter and Chase. “I’m Miss Sarah, and I’m going to give you a ride to your granddad’s.”
“Let’s go, boys,” Donna Rae said as they turned off the lights and headed out the door.
Hunter followed obediently, but he didn’t appear happy. Sarah couldn’t help but wonder if he was angry about something. In contrast, Chase slipped his little hand into Sarah’s and looked up, his sweet cherub face all smiles. He chattered a mile a minute, with a lisp that seemed to be caused by his chubby cheeks, as they walked to her car and installed the seats.
When she and the boys arrived at the Jones house, Chase raced ahead. Sarah, even weighed down by the car seats, had to slow to wait for Hunter, who dragged his feet as if they were in blocks of cement.
She kind of felt the same way having to face Harry Jones.
Two hours ago, she couldn’t have imagined this turn of events even in her wildest dreams.
“Hunter, do you think you could carry your booster seat for me?”
He nodded, then he wrapped his arms around it and picked up the pace a little.
“So, it must be fun to get to stay with your grandfather,” she said.
He shrugged. “I guess so.”
“You don’t СКАЧАТЬ