Blossoms Of Love. J.M. Jeffries
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Название: Blossoms Of Love

Автор: J.M. Jeffries

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani

isbn: 9781474058193


СКАЧАТЬ laughed. “That wasn’t my plan, but I’m terrific at unexpected modifications.”

      Greer shook her head, trying not to laugh. “You’re too funny.”

      Daniel gave her a cheeky grin. “The only people who think I’m funny are my brothers.”

      “Oh no, this was funny.” She gestured at Melody, who’d totally captured Logan with one hand on his arm and the other touching his hand playfully. She was so tiny, Greer wondered if she bought her clothes in the children’s department.

      “Look at him,” Daniel told her. “He’s so easily distracted.”

      Logan was studying Melody’s low-cut top and the perky breasts beneath it.

      “I guess those things are mesmerizing. And most likely fake.”

      Daniel shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.”

      “Really?” Greer glanced back at Melody, who leaned into Logan’s arm, brushing her breasts against the sleeve of his jacket.

      “Melody isn’t my type.”

      “You brought her.”

      “I’m just being a good friend.” He gave her an innocent, almost angelic look.

      “I think you’re being diabolical.”

      He gave her an evil henchman laugh, and she shook her head. Daniel Torres was charming. Too charming. And yet she could see that he’d chosen a good distraction. Logan was falling under Melody’s spell.

      “You chose your weapon well,” she finally said. “Though why you two are dueling over me, I don’t know. Let me ask you something. Do you really want to date me, or just win? If my float had feelings, it would feel cheap, used, unappreciated.”

      He leaned toward her and half whispered in her ear. “Do you feel cheap, used and unappreciated?”

      “Goodness, no. I’m amused. You’re like two kindergarteners fighting over a swing.”

      “Are you saying I’m a child?”

      “Mmm. Let my silence speak volumes.” She took a sip of her wine.

      “You and I should sneak out of here and get some burgers.” Daniel nudged her with his elbow. “Logan won’t notice we’re gone.”

      Greer considered his invitation. “No. Logan asked me out to dinner, and to leave now would be extremely rude.”

      Daniel sulked for a moment. “Okay. My mother did bring me up well.”

      The waitress brought extra menus and returned a few minutes later to take their food order, patiently answering Melody’s questions about nutrition and the number of calories of different dishes.

      Dinner turned out to be pleasant enough even though Melody greedily ensnared Logan’s attention throughout the meal. He looked embarrassed, but Greer patted his shoulder and told him to enjoy himself. She was enjoying herself watching the two men.

      As they stood out on the sidewalk after dinner, Melody clung to Logan like a limpet. The valet brought his Mercedes and Melody climbed in, not even asking if Greer needed a ride home. As the Mercedes sped away, Greer’s Toyota came to a stop in front of her. She tipped the valet with a smile and as he held the door open for her, she looked at Daniel.

      “If you want to date me, then ask.” She slid into her car, put it in gear and left before Daniel could answer.

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