The Corporate Marriage Campaign. Leigh Michaels
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Название: The Corporate Marriage Campaign

Автор: Leigh Michaels

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish

isbn: 9781474015226


СКАЧАТЬ it appear to you that ever since I came back to town, your secretary has gotten into the habit of calling in sick a couple of times a week? That’s not a complaint, by the way, just a comment.”

      “She thinks you’re taking advantage of me, living rent free in the penthouse.”

      The penthouse. It was Darcy herself who had named it that, back when Dave had bought the little cottage to house his fledgling law practice and moved into the half-finished attic in order to ease the strain on his finances. She hadn’t expected then that she’d ever be living there herself, even temporarily.

      “Well, it’s not exactly the Ritz—but whatever Mrs. Cusack thinks, I appreciate having the accommodations.” Darcy shook her head, trying to clear it. “And I’m happy to lend a hand. I’ll pull myself together here in a minute, but some coffee would sure help.”

      “I’ll start a pot.”

      “Well, go easy on it. The battery acid you call coffee—”

      “It’s guaranteed to wake you up.”

      “David, your coffee would wake up a corpse. Do I have time for a shower? Not that you want me greeting clients without one, after I worked most of the night.”

      Dave checked his wristwatch. “I’m not expecting anybody for an hour or so. If you like, I’ll make sure the hot water runs out before then so you won’t be walking through the waiting room wearing a towel.”

      “That’s such a comfort. So generous of you to help me out.” Darcy pushed herself up from the floor and headed across the minuscule hallway to the cottage’s single bathroom. “Though the way I feel at the moment, a cold shower might be a better idea.”

      She stayed under the spray as long as she dared, then wrapped her hair in a towel and slid reluctantly back into her sweats. Where was her brain, anyway, that she hadn’t run upstairs for some fresh clothes before she stripped off?

      It was going to be another long day, she reflected. But with her applications finished, she really had nothing else to do but mail them and start assembling the next list of potential jobs. Staying busy with Dave’s clients and paperwork was better than having too much time to think about her own situation, anyway.

      And it felt good to be able to help Dave out a bit in return for all he was doing for her right now. The penthouse might not quite match up to its grandiose name, but it was a place to sleep and store her stuff till she got herself established again. And since he’d refused to even consider charging her rent, the least she could do was pitch in around the office. Once this was over—as soon as she had a job again, and her own place, and a bank account—she’d do something really nice for Dave…

      She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she had walked halfway through the waiting room toward the stairs before she realized that a man and a woman were standing in the center of the room, looking around as if they felt lost.

      Had she been in the shower that long? Surely not, because Dave hadn’t been kidding about the hot water supply. So either his clients had arrived far earlier than their appointment, or this was an unexpected addition to his day. Did he even realize they were here? If they’d just walked in, and he hadn’t heard the door…

      “Hi,” she said. “Can I help you?”

      The man turned to face her. His raised eyebrows said that he doubted very much that she could be of any assistance at all. No surprise there, Darcy thought. In her baggy, mismatched sweats, stained with india ink and acrylic paint, with her hair piled in a makeshift turban, she no doubt looked more like the cleaning lady than the confidential secretary she was supposed to be today.

      Especially in comparison to his own elegant good looks. He was made for a courtroom, she thought—tall, broad-shouldered, dark haired, with a profile that looked as if it had been chiseled by a Renaissance master and a pinstriped suit that could have been fitted by the same loving touch. He was looking down his classic nose at her, obviously waiting for her to justify her existence.

      Well, it was all right with Darcy if Mr. Elegance found her unappealing. She’d had her fill of guys who were gorgeous and knew how to use their looks to advantage. Packaging wasn’t everything.

      “You’ve taken us a bit off guard this morning, I’m afraid,” she said. “We weren’t expecting you.”

      “I phoned right before we came over,” he said curtly.

      The voice matched the rest of him, Darcy thought—deep and rich but with a hard edge.

      That’s great, she thought. He must have talked to Dave while she was in the shower, and now Darcy looked like either a liar or an idiot. Where do we go from here?

      She let her gaze drift from the man to his companion, and blinked in surprise. Who went out in public these days wearing a black picture hat with a heavy veil? Grieving widows? Movie stars? Someone who had no idea what a cliché she was wearing?

      Even more surprising, Darcy thought, was why hadn’t she noticed that attention-grabbing hat before now. Surely it should have jumped out at her the instant she laid eyes on the couple. Not that Mr. Elegance wasn’t worth looking at all by himself—but it almost seemed as if he’d been trying to get in the way, as if he’d been deliberately trying to block her view of his feminine companion.

      Dave called from the kitchen, “I’ve got it, Darcy. Just as soon as I get the coffee poured I’ll be in. Show them into my office, will you?”

      Darcy took a step back and with a purposely theatrical gesture invited the couple toward the back of the house, where Dave had converted one of the cottage’s original bedrooms into his office.

      If he’d been expecting clients, it wasn’t obvious—at least, the clutter looked just the same to Darcy as it had yesterday. Dave had dropped his briefcase into one of the two chairs supposedly reserved for clients, just as he usually did. Darcy fished it out and set it atop a pile of law books on the credenza, and then tried to clear off enough space on the desk so he could set down a tray.

      Just yesterday, she remembered, she’d told Dave that he should rearrange the front room—currently the law library—enough to put in a desk. That would create a public office, an attractive and restful place to meet with his clients away from the disorder of his working desk. He’d told her that the clients he was most interested in didn’t mind untidiness, and Darcy hadn’t argued the point because on second thought she’d realized it would only give him another flat surface to fill with clutter.

      Dave came in carrying not a tray but three foam cups, full to the brim with steaming and very black coffee. That was Dave, she thought—straightforward and without an ounce of pretension.

      She wondered what Mr. Elegance thought of the service, and shot a look at him from the corner of her eye. “David, perhaps your guests would like cream and sugar?” she suggested gently.

      “Trey doesn’t use it,” Dave said. “But I don’t know…” His gaze rested on the woman in the hat. He looked worried.

      “Cream, please,” she said softly. “I don’t think I can drink it so hot.”

      “Would you get the cream, Darcy?” Dave asked. “But first let me introduce you. This is Trey—”

      “Smith,” Mr. Elegance СКАЧАТЬ