Strictly Confidential. Terri Reed
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Название: Strictly Confidential

Автор: Terri Reed

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408963128


СКАЧАТЬ offered her his arm.

      Relief shone bright in her gaze. She slipped her hand in the crook of his elbow. “Thank you.”

      She turned to her brothers. “I’ll talk with you later.”

      “You can’t leave with him,” Jake sputtered.

      “See ya.” She tugged at Alessandro’s arm as she moved forward.

      Amused, Alessandro could only give the three men glaring at him a shrug that said “What can I say? She wants me.” “Ciao.”

      “Colleen Montgomery, you come back here,” Adam demanded.

      Colleen’s steps quickened and Alessandro lengthened his stride. “ Bella , I think you’ve made your brothers angry.”

      “They’ll get over it,” she said as he pushed open the glass doors for her. She didn’t let go of his arm as they stepped into the sunshine. “Where’s your car?”

      “There.” He pointed to the small red convertible parked at the curb.

      Her eyes widened and then she grinned. “Cool.”

      “You are such a delight, bella ,” he said as he opened the door for her to slide into the passenger seat. Her enthusiasm lifted his mood.

      He rounded the car to the driver’s side and climbed in, then secured his seat belt and turned to her. “Home?”

      “Breakfast?” Her blue eyes twinkled.

      Ah. So there was more to this than a mere ride.

      “Whatever you wish,” he stated.

      He gunned the engine and sped away from the police station. In his rearview mirror he saw her brothers had come out the doors and were watching them drive away. The urge to put his arm around her shoulders was more than he could resist. “Where to?”

      She glanced at his outstretched arm lightly resting across the tops of her shoulders. “The Stagecoach. Of course.”

      With a grin, he drove through the morning traffic and turned onto South Cascade Avenue in the heart of downtown Colorado Springs. With over a half a million in population in the metro area, the town bustled with activity. Between residents going about their everyday lives and tourists come to enjoy the beauty of the town nestled beneath Pikes Peak, the downtown offered something for everyone.

      For the avid reader, the stunning branch of the Pikes Peak Library District was within walking distance from countless relaxing reading spots. Many times over the years Colleen had spent time in one of the many lush parks, working on a story or sitting in a coffee shop among the thriving businesses and apartment buildings of the main thoroughfare.

      After removing his arm from around her, Alessandro slipped the car into a parking spot in front of the charming red barnlike structure that claimed to serve the best apple pie this side of the Rockies.

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