How To Romance A Runaway Bride. Teri Wilson
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Название: How To Romance A Runaway Bride

Автор: Teri Wilson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474077835


СКАЧАТЬ her acting skills had improved since her disastrous audition for the eighth-grade play. She’d cried in Zander’s arms for hours after school that day.

      He swallowed. “The deal we made to marry one another if we were still unattached by our thirtieth birthdays.”

      “Oh.” She shook her head. “I’m afraid I don’t remember that at all.”

      Zander stared. If Guy Lombardo’s orchestra had appeared out of nowhere and begun to play “Happy Birthday to You,” he’d have been less surprised. She wasn’t here because of their deal. She didn’t even remember it.


      “Are you sure you didn’t have that arrangement with somebody else? Gretchen Williams, maybe?” Allegra said.

      “Gretchen Williams?” She couldn’t be serious. He’d gone out with Gretchen exactly three times, and that had been three times too many. Besides, the last he’d heard, Gretchen had moved to Connecticut and had five kids. She hadn’t needed a backup plan. “Absolutely not. It was you.”

       It was always you.

      Zander’s temples throbbed. He needed to get out of here.

      But this was his place of business. He practically lived here. Disappearing wasn’t an option. Besides, wasn’t that Allegra’s specialty?

      “I see.” Allegra’s voice went soft, and she looked at him for a long silent moment. And somehow the silence between them seemed more truthful than anything they’d yet to say to one another.

      Zander had the sudden urge to reach for her, to pull her into his arms and greet her the way he should have the moment she’d walked through the door. When she’d gone away all those years ago, her absence had just about killed him. He’d missed her, damn it. He still did, even after all this time.

      Then Zander’s cousin Ryan appeared at his side. The fact that Ryan was wearing his serious hotel-management face rather than his party-going-family-member face ensured that whatever sentimental moment Zander and Allegra might be on the verge of sharing was officially ruined.

      Ryan cleared his throat. “Zander, I hate to interrupt. But we’ve got a problem. A big one.”

      “Right.” Zander nodded. He couldn’t decide if he should curse the interruption or be grateful for it. He gave Allegra a tight smile. “It was good to see you again. My apologies for the misunderstanding.”

      Then he turned his back on Allegra Clark without waiting for an explanation or even a goodbye. After all, parting words had never been their strong suit.

      * * *

      The sight of Zander’s retreating pinstripes jarred something loose inside Allegra. Something that almost made her knees buckle. Something that made her feel dangerously close to coming apart at the seams.

      She took a deep breath and counted to ten as she watched him walk away. He murmured something to the man beside him, strode past the untouched cake and disappeared through the ballroom’s gilded double doors.

      He’d walked right out of his own birthday party without so much as an apology. Or even an explanation.

       Typical suit.

      Allegra couldn’t remember any of her own birthday parties that hadn’t been interrupted in a similar fashion. Until she’d turned sixteen, obviously. On her sweet sixteen, she would have given anything to have her father there, kissing her cheek as he dashed off to some kind of work emergency.

      Her throat grew tight. She squared her shoulders, slipped out of the ballroom and marched toward the registration desk. She’d managed to walk out on her own wedding today without shedding a tear. She would not let a brief encounter with Zander Wilde reduce her to a weepy mess.

      Anyway, she was perfectly fine. She’d just been rattled to see him after so many years, which was totally normal. There was nothing to be emotional about at all as far as Zander was concerned.

       Except that he thought you’d come back to marry him, of all things.

      “Can I help you?” The young man behind the registration desk beamed at her. “Let me guess—you’re checking into the honeymoon suite?”

      “Um, no.” She shuddered. “Definitely not.”

      “Oh.” He glanced at her dress. Allegra couldn’t wait to take off the horrid thing. She just wanted to wrap herself up in one of the hotel’s thick terry-cloth robes, climb into bed and sleep for a while. A century, maybe. “Well, uh, how can I assist you, then?”

      “I just need a room.” Before he could ask, she added, “A single, not a double.”

      He frowned. “For just one person?”

      Allegra sighed. Mightily. “Yes.”

      He nodded but still managed to look utterly perplexed. Too bad. “May I ask the name on the reservation?”

      “I don’t have one.”

      “No reservation?” His frown deepened. “I’m sorry, but we don’t have any single rooms available without a reservation.”

      This day kept getting better and better. “Fine. I’ll take a double.”

      But the desk clerk wasn’t any more accommodating. “I’m afraid we don’t have any double rooms available either.”

      Allegra’s heart started beating hard again. This couldn’t be happening.

      “Fine. I’ll take the honeymoon suite.” Desperate times called for desperate measures, and these were indeed desperate times.

      The hotel clerk shrugged. He was really beginning to get on Allegra’s nerves. “That room is booked, as well. We’re completely full. Without a reservation, I’m afraid I can’t help you.”

      “Full? Full? As in there’s not a room of any kind available?” It couldn’t be true. Where on earth would she go? What was she supposed to do? Go marching back into her wedding to ask her erstwhile fiancé for a ride to the airport?

      Even if the hotel clerk took pity on her and came up with a room, she had no way to pay for it. She’d walked out of the ceremony with nothing but her bridal bouquet. She wasn’t even sure where her purse—and her wallet full of credit cards—was at the moment.

      Why had she agreed to get married in Manhattan?

      She should have insisted on a nice, simple ceremony in Cambridge, where she and Spencer actually lived. How had she let herself get talked into coming back here?

      Because Spencer was a politician, that’s why. He’d wanted a big, splashy wedding, one that would look good in all the newspapers. A grand show. Allegra just hadn’t realized she was nothing but a prop.

      How could she have been so monumentally stupid?

      “We’re completely booked.” The clerk gave her a sympathetic smile, and something inside Allegra died just a little. СКАЧАТЬ