Wilde Thing. Jannine Gallant
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Название: Wilde Thing

Автор: Jannine Gallant

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Born to Be Wilde

isbn: 9781601837714



      Cover Copy

      The Wilde brothers are addicted to the rush of adventure. But one of them is about to learn no matter how often you look for danger, you don’t want danger finding you.

      For extreme skier Tripp Wilde, pushing the limits is what he lives for. Unfortunately, the inherent risk takes a toll on his body. After an injury sidelines him, he ends up in the care of his little sister’s best friend, physical therapist Hannah Ryder—who has grown up in all the right ways since they last met.

      Hannah doesn’t mix business with pleasure, even though she harbored a maddening crush on the irresistible Tripp years before. So, while Tripp tries every slick maneuver he knows to bed her, Hannah uses her own moves to keep the hotshot skier cooled off while trying to control her own growing desire for him.

      After the pair witness what they think may be a murder on the slopes, along with the men responsible, no one believes their story. But when a series of unlikely accidents suggests they are being targeted, the two will have to trust in each other like never before if they are going to survive.

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      Books by Jannine Gallant

      Who’s Watching Now

      Every Move She Makes

      Every Step She Takes

      Every Vow She Breaks

      Born to Be Wilde

      Wilde One

      Wilde Side

      Wilde Thing

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Wilde Thing

      Born to Be Wilde

      Jannine Gallant



      Kensington Publishing Corp.



      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2016 by Jannine Gallant

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      First Electronic Edition: February 2017

      ISBN-13: 978-1-60183-771-4

      ISBN-10: 1-60183-771-2

      First Print Edition: February 2017

      ISBN-13: 978-1-60183-775-2

      ISBN-10: 1-60183-775-5

      To my husband, Pat, who loves skiing more than just about anything!

      Chapter 1

      Tripp Wilde stood at the top of the glistening white cliff and paused to savor the moment. Despite thick leather gloves, the frigid air chilled his fingertips and stung his cheeks beneath goggles tinted to give the world a rosy glow. When he shifted his weight to survey the panoramic vista, snow squeaked beneath his skis. Nothing was finer than a bluebird morning on the mountain after a three-foot dump of powder the night before. To his right, Lake Tahoe, in all its natural splendor, shimmered in the early light. Below him, the cliff face dropped away in a dizzying fall to the valley below. He blew out a puff of breath as he studied the line he would ski. A line none of his competitors in the Big Air event had attempted. Probably because they weren’t as crazy as he was. He stood alone on the granite peak…just the way he liked it.

      Squaw Valley. He knew every rock and crevice of the vast mountain. Today, conditions were perfect to put on a show for the diehard supporters who’d come out to watch the morning’s televised competition. If—no, when—he pulled off this run, it would make all the highlight clips on the sports channels. Exactly what his sponsors expected.

      A gust of wind sent up a swirl of powder. His gaze narrowed on the overhanging cornice. Had the snow creaked, or was it just the branches of the scraggly pine clinging to the rock behind him bending in the stiff breeze?

      “Wilde Thing. Wilde Thing. Wilde Thing.” The chant echoed off the cliffs and drifted up the vertical face on the wind.

      His hometown fans showing their love filled him with pride. He’d give them the thrill they wanted…and then some. Adjusting his stance, he faced forward with a grin, clicked his poles together for luck then jumped, hurtling a good twenty feet through the air before landing in the chute. His knees flexed to absorb the impact before he made one quick turn then another. Air rushed over him as his speed increased before he flew off a snow-packed boulder to lay out a back flip. He struck the ground with a whoop of elation and skidded ever so slightly on his left ski before regaining control.

      Halfway down and tasting victory.

      A rumble sounded from the cliffs above. Tripp cast a quick glance over his shoulder just as the cornice of snow broke away with a tremendous crack. The avalanche roared down the mountain straight toward him. Nowhere to turn. Nowhere to hide.

      Tucking low, heart pounding, he eked out every possible bit of speed as he flew down the steep pitch. He couldn’t panic, couldn’t give in to the fear threatening to eat him alive. In front of him, the chute opened outward, offering an avenue of escape. If he could reach it in time. The ground shook as the massive wall swept downward, СКАЧАТЬ