View Park. Angela Winters
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Название: View Park

Автор: Angela Winters

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: A View Park Novel

isbn: 9780758246042


СКАЧАТЬ deny she was happy to be home. The people she loved most in the world would be there waiting for her, but so was the life that she left behind a year ago and vowed she would never, ever return to again. A life so comfortable in all its protection and ignorance.

      Leigh’s innocence was genuine. She was the angelic, unassuming type of beauty with a gentle tone and demeanor that made men want to save her. With smooth dark chocolate skin and soft tender features, she looked like a princess and had lived like one most of her life. Going to Duke Medical School after Smith was an eye opener to the real world, but Leigh had had no idea what was in store for her when she’d signed up for Africa. Her parents had taught her that giving was an obligation of people like themselves, but they were the ones who protested vehemently when she told them her choice. Always one to please, it broke her heart to see her parents so upset, but Africa was something she had to do no matter what, much like what she had to do now.

      Earl, the family driver for five years, glanced in his rearview mirror at Leigh, with an uncertain smile. “Your parents are very excited at seeing you. Your mother went on for months, thinking up schemes to get you back here.”

      “I don’t doubt it.” Leigh felt her stomach contract as the WELCOME TO VIEW PARK sign came into full view. It would only be a few minutes now. She was about to flip the switch on Mr. and Mrs. Chase and that never, ever went well.

      Michael stood at the edge of the great room, sizing up his wife as she snatched a glass of wine from a passing waiter. Kimberly Chase, the outsider, was the hottest woman in the room. She was always the hottest woman in the room. She still looked like a model at twenty-five, even after twins, with café au lait skin, smoldering green eyes and full lips, she was a strikingly beautiful woman by anyone’s standards and Michael’s standards were the highest.

      Kimberly didn’t come from anything close to money, a fact his mother never let him forget, but she wore it well. Very well, and Michael loved the hell out of her. (He’d been obsessed with her since the moment he laid eyes on her at that club in New York almost six years ago, when he was in his first year at Columbia Business School.) As he approached her now, he slowly wrapped his arm around her waist, taking a second to squeeze her butt.

      “You’re enjoying yourself,” he whispered into her ear before biting it. “That’s what, number three already?”

      Kimberly’s mouth curved into an unconscious smile, feeling that familiar lightning jolt run through her body from her husband’s touch. “This is how I survive Chase family weekends. I’m your wife and I live in this house, so I have to be here. Allow me what little enjoyment I can have.”

      “What has Mom done to you now?” Michael felt that the animosity between his wife and mother had lessened over the five years of their marriage, but Kimberly was never satisfied.

      “Nothing today, but I’m waiting and I don’t like your tone.”

      “What tone?”

      “That tone suggesting your mother hasn’t hated me from the first day she met me. She lives for making my life miserable.”

      Michael laughed, but quickly shut up when Kimberly glared at him. He knew her agreeing to live in his parents’ home was a sacrifice she was making out of love for him. He tried to make it better for her by giving her everything else she wanted. “Honestly, Kimberly, I think my mother has more on her mind than hating you. Besides, Leigh is coming home. Mother has her favorite punching bag back.”

      Kimberly hadn’t thought of much else. Now that Leigh was home, her inevitable clashes with Janet would give Kimberly some breathing room. Kimberly would never forget the saccharine smile on Janet’s face when she first met her. The second Michael left the room Janet threatened to destroy her if she was lying about Michael being the father of her children.

      Destroy? Kimberly had never heard someone use that word before but that was what Janet did. She destroyed anyone she didn’t like and she hated Kimberly. She hated that Michael had to marry Kimberly because in the Chase family, there were no out of wedlock children. “Bastards” was the word Janet used, but Kimberly knew Janet had no problem with children of divorce and the woman was just waiting for the day Michael would cut Kimberly loose. That day was never going to come because Kimberly knew Michael loved her and she would never, ever let him go.

      “Still,” Kimberly argued. “It’s another woman who thinks she has more claim to this sacred land than I do.”

      Michael gently touched her cheek with the back of his hand. Kimberly looked at him with love in her eyes and he knew he could convince her of anything. “Remember what I told you. We have the only grandchildren, and you’re their mother. That gives you power, so use it.” Michael planted a tender kiss on her cheek, loving the silky smooth feel of her flawless skin. “You’re a great mother. Of all she tries to throw at you, she can’t say anything about that. Use your strength.”

      Kimberly knew she had found a god among men when she met Michael Chase. Every word that came out of his mouth made her want to win, succeed and get what was hers. He encouraged her in a way that she’d had no faith men ever could. He made her feel that everything could be hers; should be hers. Her absent father, abusive brother, her pimp and every other man in her life had made her believe men like Michael didn’t exist. But he did and he was hers. Just like everything else would be as soon as…The center of attention came into her sight. Janet Chase entertaining a circle of L.A.’s best; perfect in every way.

      Standing at the doorway of her house, Leigh almost believed that it seemed bigger than when she left it just a year ago. From where she stood, you couldn’t imagine it was anything but perfect on the other side. Leigh took another deep breath.

      “Do you want me to…” Earl was carrying some of her suitcases, placing them at the door. He looked at her, puzzled.

      “What did Mom say again? Just a quiet dinner, right?”

      “That’s what she said. They wanted you to have time to calm down. That’s why they didn’t meet you at the airport.”

      “All right,” Leigh said, stepping aside as Earl opened the door.

      Her eyes widened and she almost fell back as she was greeted with a room full of people yelling, “Welcome back!”

      She stood stunned as Janet rushed to her with a warm smile and wide-open arms. Emotion took over at the sight of her mother and she hugged her so tight, neither of them could breathe.

      “My baby.” Janet looked her over, loving her perfection and overwhelmed by the only assurance of her daughter’s safety she would accept: seeing her with her own eyes.

      “What…” Leigh couldn’t find words when Steven approached. God, how she missed her daddy. He was almost like an apparition.

      “My angel.” Steven spoke with a strained voice.

      “I’ve missed you so much, Daddy.”

      Janet couldn’t hold back the tears. All the nights worrying and wondering were finally over. It had almost been too much to bear. “You can’t say you didn’t know?” she asked, seeing Leigh’s amazed face. “You had to be suspicious about us not picking you up.”

      “I thought…I thought you meant what you’d said. You wanted to give me rest.”

      “There’s plenty of time to rest.” Janet’s instinct led her hands to Leigh’s short hair, smoothing it out СКАЧАТЬ