Best Books Study Work Guide: The Lighthouse Keeper’s Wife Gr 10 HL. Peter Southey
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СКАЧАТЬ Robben Island

      In the table below fill in the approximate dates during which those listed in the first column were kept on Robben Island.

Xhosa captives during the Frontier Wars
Tuberculosis patients
Lepers and the mentally ill
Political prisoners (maximum security prison)
Convicted criminals (medium security prison)

      Oddly enough, the so-called mentally ill (“lunatics”) included homeless people, prostitutes with sexually transmitted diseases, alcoholics and those who were unemployed because of old age or ill health. This gives us reason to question whether Plaatjes really is mentally ill. He does enough talking to give you evidence to make up your own mind about this.

      The other three characters were invented by the playwright, but “Plaatjes the boatbuilder” actually lived. He was an inmate in the lunatic asylum on Robben Island at the time of the play (around 1900) and he built boats from driftwood in the futile hope of sailing to freedom – futile because on completion his boats were always destroyed, just as they are in the play.

      2. The lighthouse

      Judging from what you read on p. 8, what was probably one of the lighthouse keeper’s most important tasks?

      3. Pre-reading

      a. Write down your answer to the first question under this heading on p. 9. Give your reasons.

      b. Now answer the question at the second bullet and give reasons for your answer.

      About the characters: The Lighthouse Keeper’s Wife


      An inmate of the asylum on Robben Island – arrested for stealing food and dividing it under the poor. They treat him as insane.

C:\Users\thea.korff\Dropbox\thea (3)\Plaatjies.jpg

      Stella Lamprecht

      The wife of the lighthouse keeper

C:\Users\thea.korff\Dropbox\thea (3)\Stella.jpg

      Adriaan Lamprecht

      The lighthouse keeper on Robben Island

C:\Users\thea.korff\Dropbox\thea (3)\Lamprecht.jpg


      An assistant at the asylum on Robben Island

C:\Users\thea.korff\Dropbox\thea (3)\Barney.jpg

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