The Possession of Mr Cave. Matt Haig
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Название: The Possession of Mr Cave

Автор: Matt Haig

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9781786893215


СКАЧАТЬ therapy in the sound of it blasting through the white bristles and down the drain.

      Come on, Terence! Drag yourself out of the quicksand before you sink any deeper.

      Right, the next incident: Cynthia’s grand meal out.

      Yes. You didn’t go, do you remember?

      ‘Bryony,’ I called. ‘Bryony, your grandmother’s here. Are you ready?’

      Cynthia was standing in front of the mirror, combing her hands through her freshly dyed black hair, and running through various thespian poses. ‘Liz Taylor, eat your heart out,’ she said.

      I kept calling you. ‘Bryony? Bryony?’

      ‘Oh, Terence, hasn’t she told you?’

      ‘Told me?’

      Cynthia pointed a black nail up towards your room. ‘Other plans,’ she whispered.


      ‘She phoned me an hour ago.’

      ‘Phoned you?’

      ‘On her mobile.’

      ‘Phoned you on her mobile telephone? When?’

      ‘I told you,’ Cynthia said, exasperated. ‘An hour ago.’

      ‘Well, I’m afraid, Cynthia, you’ve been misinformed. She promised you she was coming and she’s coming. Now, Bryony? Bryony?’

      The taxi honked outside.

      ‘Bryony? Bryony?’

      Your voice, somewhere above: ‘What?’

      ‘Why did you tell your grandmother you weren’t coming with us?’

      ‘I’m going to Imogen’s,’ you said with cool defiance.


      At which point Cynthia’s fingers played a quick four notes on my arm, her nails shining like onyx jewels.

      ‘Apparently her friend’s very upset,’ she whispered. ‘She’s just split up with her boyfriend and wants to have a girls’ night with Bryony. You know girls like sleepovers, don’t you? Now, come on, Terence, don’t make a big hoo-ha.’

      I went upstairs and you handed me a piece of paper you had already prepared, complete with Imogen’s address and telephone number. You assumed, no doubt, that I would do nothing with this information.

      A third baritone blast of that taxi horn and Cynthia’s voice: ‘Come on, Terence. We’ll be late.’

      And me looking directly in your eyes saying: ‘So, it’s just going to be you and Imogen?’

      Your eyes conjured their wide innocence. ‘Uh-huh.’

      ‘And how, may I ask, are you getting there?’

      ‘Imogen knows a pimp who works this part of town and he’s kindly offered me a lift,’ you said, before puncturing your tease. ‘Imogen’s mum. She’s picking me up.’

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