The Data Visualization Sketchbook. Stephanie D. H. Evergreen
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Название: The Data Visualization Sketchbook

Автор: Stephanie D. H. Evergreen

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9781544350974




The Data Visualization Sketchbook

      The Data Visualization Sketchbook

       Stephanie D. H. Evergreen

       Evergreen Data & Evaluation, LLC

SAGE imprint

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      Proofreader: Dennis W. Webb

      Cover Designer: Scott Van Atta

      /// Contents


      2  Introduction

      3  Sketches for a Sample Reporting Package

      4 Sketch Templates for Project 1Project Profile PageGraph Grid AGraph Grid BDashboard Design ADashboard Design BDashboard Design COne-Page Handout Helper AOne-Page Handout Helper BOne-Page Handout Helper CSlide GuideReport StructureNotes

      5 Sketch Templates for Project 2Project Profile PageGraph Grid AGraph Grid BDashboard Design ADashboard Design BDashboard Design COne-Page Handout Helper AOne-Page Handout Helper BOne-Page Handout Helper CSlide GuideReport StructureNotes

      6 Sketch Templates for Project 3Project Profile PageGraph Grid AGraph Grid BDashboard Design ADashboard Design BDashboard Design COne-Page Handout Helper AOne-Page Handout Helper BOne-Page Handout Helper CSlide GuideReport StructureNotes

      7 Sketch Templates for Project 4Project Profile PageGraph Grid AGraph Grid BDashboard Design ADashboard Design BDashboard Design COne-Page Handout Helper AOne-Page Handout Helper BOne-Page Handout Helper CSlide GuideReport StructureNotes

      8 Sketch Templates for Project 5Project Profile PageGraph Grid AGraph Grid BDashboard Design ADashboard Design BDashboard Design COne-Page Handout Helper AOne-Page Handout Helper BOne-Page Handout Helper CSlide GuideReport StructureNotes

      9 Sketch Templates for Project 6Project Profile PageGraph Grid AGraph Grid BDashboard Design ADashboard Design BDashboard Design COne-Page Handout Helper AOne-Page Handout Helper BOne-Page Handout Helper CSlide GuideReport StructureNotes

      10 Sketch Templates for Project 7Project Profile PageGraph Grid AGraph Grid BDashboard Design ADashboard Design BDashboard Design COne-Page Handout Helper AOne-Page Handout Helper BOne-Page Handout Helper CSlide GuideReport StructureNotes

      /// About the Author

A professional photo of Dr. Stephanie D. H. Evergreen.

      Dr. Stephanie D. H. Evergreen is a sought-after speaker, designer, and researcher. She is best known for bringing a research-based approach to helping others better communicate their work through more effective graphs, slides, and reports. She holds a PhD from Western Michigan University in interdisciplinary research, which included a dissertation on the extent of graphic design use in written data reporting. Dr. Evergreen has trained audiences worldwide through keynote presentations and workshops for clients such as Verizon, Head Start, American Institutes for Research, Brookings Institute, the Ad Council, Boys and Girls Club of America, and the United Nations. She led the first known attempt to revamp the quality of presentations for an entire association: the Potent Presentations Initiative for the American Evaluation Association (AEA). She is the 2015 recipient of the AEA’s Marcia Guttentag Promising New Evaluator Award, which recognizes early notable СКАЧАТЬ