180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators. Tina H. Boogren
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Название: 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators

Автор: Tina H. Boogren

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781949539288


СКАЧАТЬ myself automatically reaching for my phone, just as the research predicted (Lin, 2012). Once I got over that hump, though, I found myself absorbed in a novel or writing or getting active, often for longer than forty minutes—all of which I was grateful for.


This week’s invitation: Unplug for a bit.

      • Monday: Keep a running record of how many times you pick up your phone (or whatever digital device you typically use, such as a tablet, iPad, and TV) today. Some phones track screen time for you; check under Settings for options. Digital Wellbeing on Android devices helps track screen time, and QualityTime (www.qualitytimeapp.com) is also for Android phones; it tracks phone use per app. On Apple devices, look for the Screen Time option in Settings. Tally marks on a sticky note will do if you don’t want to use technology to track your technology use.

      How do you feel about the number of times you checked? To further observe your technology use, you might pay attention to how many minutes go by between each reach for your device.

      • Tuesday and Wednesday: Purposefully choose fifteen sequential minutes in your day to unplug completely (besides when you’re teaching, as I know you’re fully engaged with your students during that time). Try to choose a time when you typically use a device so you can get the full experience of shutting down. Use no electronic devices whatsoever. Note when your scroll finger starts to feel twitchy.

      • Thursday and Friday: You made it fifteen minutes the past two days. Can you make it thirty minutes (or more) today and tomorrow? Push yourself to see how long you can go and notice how it makes you feel.

      When and how did you incorporate unplugging into your schedule this week? Which options did you choose and why?

      How did it feel to unplug for fifteen minutes? What did you do with this time?

      How did it feel to unplug for thirty minutes? What did you do with this time?

      Do you plan to continue to make unplugging part of your routine? Why and how? What about trying something like a Tech-Free Tuesday? Check out Screen-Free Week (www.screenfree.org) for more options.

      On a work trip where everything was going horribly wrong, I approached the airline counter with tears in my eyes. The gate agent looked at me with sincerity and softly said, “I’m here to help.” Those four simple words of kindness nearly melted me. I was able to catch my breath and accept help. Being kind, or giving to someone, actually decreases stress and enhances mental health (Achor, 2011a).

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