Studies in the Mahabharata. Wilfried Huchzermeyer
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Название: Studies in the Mahabharata

Автор: Wilfried Huchzermeyer

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9783931172442


СКАЧАТЬ ection>


      Wilfried Huchzermeyer

      Studies in the Mahabharata

      Indian Culture, Dharma and Spirituality

      In the Great Epic

      With Many Original Sanskrit Texts

      edition sawitri


      Verlag W. Huchzermeyer

      Lessingstraße 64

      D-76135 Karlsruhe

      [email protected]


      1st eBook Edition 2018

      ISBN 978-3-931172-44-2

      © 2018 edition sawitri – Verlag W. Huchzermeyer, Karlsruhe

      All rights reserved




       1. Arjuna’s Marriages





       2. Śrī Kṛṣṇa – The Ritual of Departure

       Kṛṣṇa in the Ādiparvan

       The Ritual of Departure

       3. Śrī Kṛṣṇa – Guru and Leader of the Pāṇḍavas

       Kṛṣṇa’s Dialogue with Yudhiṣṭhira

       The Execution of Kṛṣṇa’s Plans

       Śiśupāla’s Intervention

       4. Psychological, Philosophical and Legal Aspects of the Dice Game

       Preliminary Events

       Śakuni’s Role

       The Game Starts

       Nala’s Dice Game

       The Deeper Cause of Yudhiṣthira’s Losses

       Draupadī’s Battle

       Bhīṣma’s Commentary and Bhīma’s Fury

       Vikarṇa’s Pleading for Draupadī

       The Miracle

       Vidura’s Vain Intervention

       Draupadī’s New Appeal and Bhīṣma’s Response

       Duryodhana’s Interjection

       Bhīma’s Response

       Dhṛtarāṣṭra’s Intervention

       Karṇa’s Commentary and Bhīma’s Reaction


       Epilogue – Kṛṣṇa’s Commentary

       5. The Mahābhārata’s Synthesis of Revenge and Forgiveness

       Draupadī’s Opening of the Debate

       Prahlāda’s Teaching

       Yudhiṣṭhira’s Rebuttal

       Draupadī’s Criticism of dharma

       Draupadī’s Philosophy of Divine Determinism

       Dharma for the Sake of Itself

       Draupadī’s Pleading for Dynamic Action

       Bhīma’s Pleading and Yudhiṣṭhira’s Rebuttal


       6. Saints Sages and Ascetics – The Creative Function of Curses and Blessings

       Saramā Cursing Janamejaya

       The Clash of Uttaṅka and Pauśya

       King Parikṣit and Śṛṅgin’s Curse

       Bhṛgu cursing Agni

       A Brāhmin Cursing Ruru

       Kadrū and Vinatā

       Garuḍa and the Vālakhilyas

       The Modification of Kadrū’s Curse and Further Events

       7. Jaratkāru and Agastya
