Infants and Children in Context. Tara L. Kuther
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Название: Infants and Children in Context

Автор: Tara L. Kuther

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Общая психология


isbn: 9781544324746




Infants and Children in Context

      To FHM

      With love always, TKM

      Infants and Children in Context

       Tara L. Kuther

       Western Connecticut State University

       Los Angeles


       New Delhi


       Washington DC


      Copyright © 2021 by SAGE Publications, Inc.

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      ISBN 978-1-5443-2475-3

      Acquisitions Editor: Lara Parra

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      Brief Contents

      1  List of Boxed Features

      2  Preface

      3  Acknowledgments

      4  About the Author

      5 Unit I Foundations of Child and Adolescent DevelopmentChapter 1: Understanding Human Development: Approaches and TheoriesChapter 2: Biological and Environmental Foundations of DevelopmentChapter 3: The Prenatal Period, Birth, and the Newborn

      6 Unit II Infancy and ToddlerhoodChapter 4: Physical Development in Infancy and ToddlerhoodChapter 5: Cognitive Development in Infancy and ToddlerhoodChapter 6: Socioemotional Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood

      7 Unit III Early ChildhoodChapter 7: Physical Development in Early ChildhoodChapter 8: Cognitive Development in Early ChildhoodChapter 9: Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood

      8 Unit IV Middle ChildhoodChapter 10: Physical Development in Middle ChildhoodChapter 11: Cognitive Development in Middle ChildhoodChapter 12: Socioemotional Development in Middle Childhood

      9  Glossary

      10  References

      Detailed Contents

      1  List of Boxed Features

      2  Preface

      3  Acknowledgments

      4  About the Author

      5 Unit I Foundations of Child and Adolescent DevelopmentChapter 1: Understanding Human Development: Approaches and TheoriesUnderstanding DevelopmentPeriods of DevelopmentPrenatal Period (Conception to Birth)Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 2 Years)Early Childhood (2 to 6 Years)Middle Childhood (6 to 11 Years)Adolescence (11 to 18 Years)Domains of DevelopmentContexts of DevelopmentBasic Issues in Developmental ScienceNature and Nurture: How Do Nature and Nurture Influence Development?The Active Child: How Do Children Influence Their Own Development?Continuities and Discontinuities: In What Ways Is Development Continuous and Discontinuous?Theories of Child DevelopmentPsychoanalytic TheoriesFreud’s Psychosexual TheoryErikson’s Psychosocial TheoryBehaviorist and Social Learning TheoriesClassical СКАЧАТЬ