Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong
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Название: Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary

Автор: Phan Van Giuong

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях


isbn: 9781462910939


СКАЧАТЬ phay n. kitchen knife; cleaver

      dao röïa n. cleaver

      daïo 1 n. times, period 2 v. to wander, to take a walk

      daùt v. to laminate, to make thinner, to roll

      daït daøo v. to overflow

      day v. to turn [one’s back]

      day döùt v. to harass

      daøy adj. thick; to be thick, dense

      daøy daïn adj. inured to, familiar with

      daøy coâng n. much effort; with great efforts

      daïy v. to teach, to instruct, to train, to educate; to order

      daïy baûo v. to educate, to teach, to instruct

      daïy doã v. to teach, to bring up

      daïy hoïc v. to teach in a school

      daïy keøm v. to tutor someone at home

      daêm adj. a few, some

      daèm splinter

      daëm n. mile; road

      daëm tröôøng n. long way/journey

      daèn v. to press; to contain [oneself]; to emphasize; to put down violently

      daën v. to enjoin, to instruct, to advise

      daêng v. to spread out, to stretch out

      daèng v. to pull something with someone

      daèng co v. to pull someone in a struggle

      daèng dai v. to drag out

      daèng daëc adj. interminable, endless

      daét v. to lead by the hand, to guide; to carry

      daét díu v. to go or come together

      daâm adj. lustful, sexy, lewd

      daâm buït n. hibiscus

      daâm duïc n., adj. lust, lewdness; lustful

      daâm ñaõng adj. lustful

      daâm loaïn adj. immoral, wanton, incestuous

      daâm oâ adj. obscene, lewd

      daâm phuï n. adulteress

      daâm thö n. pornographic book

      daám duùi v. to take secretly

      daàm 1 v. to dip, to soak, to macerate 2 n. paddle, oar

      daàm deà adj. soaked, drenched, soaking wet, overflowing

      daàm möa v. to work/walk or stay in the rain

      daàm söông v. to work/walk/stay in the dew [or fog]

      daãm v. to step, to trample

      daäm v. to pound the floor

      daäm daät v. to be stirred, to be excited, to be stimulated

      daân n. citizen, people

      daân bieåu n. deputy, member of parliament

      daân chaøi n. fisherman

      daân chính n. civil administration

      daân chuû n., adj. democracy; democrat(ic)

      daân chuùng n. the people, the public, the masses

      daân coâng n. conscripted laborer, slave laborer [communist]

      daân cö n. population, inhabitants

      daân cöû adj. people-elected

      daân duïng adj. civil

      daân ñen n. commoner, common people

      daân ñinh n. village inhabitant

      daân ñöùc n. moral standing, public virtue

      daân gian n., adj. broad mass, the people; popular, folk

      daân khí n. the people’s spirit

      daân laøng n. villager

      daân luaät n. civil law

      daân löïc n. the strength of the people

      daân nguyeän n. aspirations of the people

      daân phoøng n. civil defense

      daân phu n. laborer, worker

      daân quaân n. militia(man)

      daân quaàn n. the people, the public, the masses

      daân quyeàn n. civic rights

      daân sinh n. people’s livelihood

      daân soá n. population [of country, area]

      daân söï n., adj. civilian; civil affairs

      daân taâm n. people’s will

      daân thaày n. white-collar workers

      daân thôï n. workmen, artisans, craftsmen

      daân tình n. popular feeling

      daân toäc n. people [as a nation]

      daân toäc tính n. national identity

      daân trí n. intellectual standard of the people, people’s educational standard

      daân trò adj. by the people

      daân tuyeån adj. elected by the people

      daân vaän v. to carry out propaganda

      daân voïng n. See daân nguyeän

      daân y n. civil medical service

      daân yù n. popular opinion, people’s will

      daán v. to push; to rush, to charge

      daàn 1 adv. gradually, little by little, by degrees 2 v. to beat

      daàn daø adv. slowly, little by little, gradually

      daãn v. to guide, to lead, to conduct; to cite, to quote

      daãn baûo v. to advise

      daãn СКАЧАТЬ