Название: The Life of Jesus in Verse | Children’s Jesus Book
Автор: Baby Professor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Учебная литература
isbn: 9781541908994
Children’s Jesus Book
The Life of Jesus in Verse
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Speedy Publishing LLC
40 E. Main St. #1156
Newark, DE 19711
Copyright 2016
All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any way or form or by any means whether electronic or mechanical, this means that you cannot record or photocopy any material ideas or tips that are provided in this book
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All Christians in this world believe in the same God, although we may differ on the details of how to worship God and how to live as Christians. The scriptures convey profound meaning and explicit details. Important principles are found in God’s Word, the Bible.
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Biblical passages are evidence for us to learn about the life of Jesus and be guided on how to live our own lives by faith in his blessings and glory.
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The Bible has four gospel writers who recorded a great deal of what took place, including details surrounding the birth of Jesus, his childhood, and his ministry throughout adult life.
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John 21:25 says that if the gospel writers had written down everything Jesus did and said, there would have been no room in the whole world for all the books! We will focus on Jesus’s childhood, and especially the story of the time he stayed behind at the temple of Jerusalem.
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