Название: Scripture Footnotes
Автор: George Martin
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Словари
isbn: 9781681921174
Herod the Great
Herod Antipas
High priest, chief priests
Jewish population of Palestine at the time of Jesus
Philip the Tetrarch
Priests and Levites
Day of the Lord
Cosmic signs
Revelations of the end
Jewish expectations at the time of Jesus
Life after death
Age to come
Kingdom of God
Eternal life
Was Jesus born “Before Christ”?
What did Jesus look like?
What languages did Jesus speak?
Son of David
Son of Man
Son of God
Abba, Father
Messiah, Christ
Who was responsible for Jesus’ death?
Map of Palestine at the Time of Jesus
Map of Jerusalem at the Time of Jesus
The origin of this book lies in the background information provided in my expositions of the four Gospels: Bringing the Gospel of Matthew to Life, Bringing the Gospel of Mark to Life, Bringing the Gospel of Luke to Life, and Bringing the Gospel of John to Life. This background information helps fill in the gaps in our knowledge about the world in which Jesus grew up and carried out his ministry. To understand Jesus and his message, we need to understand as best we can the world in which he lived. The Gospels presume some familiarity with this world and often mention features of it without explaining them. What kind of town was Nazareth? Who were the Sadducees, that they would try to trip up Jesus? What did Jesus have in mind when he spoke of Gehenna, which is not mentioned in the Old Testament or explained in the New? What kind of a Messiah did Jews expect God to send, and how did Jesus live up to their expectations?
This book reformats and revises the background information found in my Gospel expositions, with many new entries added. It is meant to be user friendly rather than exhaustive. An index at the back of the book lists topics by key words, and maps help locate towns and regions.
Special acknowledgment is due Kevin Perrotta, who edited earlier versions of much of this material in the course of his editing of the Gospel volumes, and who translated the quotation from the Psalms of Solomon.
Abbreviations Used for Books of the Bible
Acts | Acts |
Amos | Amos |
Baruch | Baruch |
1 Chronicles | 1 Chron |
2 Chronicles | 2 Chron |
Colossians | Col |
1 Corinthians | 1 Cor |
2 Corinthians | 2 Cor |
Daniel | Dan |
Deuteronomy | Deut |
Ecclesiastes | Eccl |
Ephesians | Eph |
Esther | Esther |
Exodus | Exod |
Ezekiel | Ezek |
Ezra | Ezra |
Galatians | Gal |
Genesis | Gen |
Habakkuk | Hab |
Haggai | Hag |
Hebrews | Heb |
Hosea | Hosea |
Isaiah | Isaiah |
James | James |
Jeremiah | Jer |
Job | Job |
Joel | Joel |
John | John |
1 John | 1 John |
2 John | 2 John |
3 John | 3 John |
Jonah | Jonah |
Joshua | Joshua |
Jude | Jude |
Judges | Judg |
Judith | Judith |
1 Kings | 1 Kings |
2 Kings | 2 Kings |
Lamentations | Lam |
Leviticus | Lev |
Luke | Luke |
1 Maccabees | 1 Macc |
2 Maccabees | 2 Macc |
Malachi | Mal |
Mark | Mark |
Matthew | Matt |
Micah | Micah |
Nahum | Nahum |
Nehemiah | Neh |
Numbers | Num |
Obadiah | Obad |
1 Peter | 1 Pet |
2 Peter | 2 Pet |
Philemon | Phlm |
Philippians | Phil |
Proverbs | Prov |
Psalms | Psalm |
Revelation | Rev |
Romans | Rom |
Ruth | Ruth |
1 Samuel | 1 Sam |
2 Samuel | 2 Sam |
Sirach | Sirach |
Song of Songs | Song |
1 Thessalonians | 1 Thess |
2 Thessalonians | 2 Thess |
1 Timothy | 1 Tim |
2 Timothy | 2 Tim |
Titus | Titus |
Tobit | Tobit |
Wisdom | Wisd |
Zechariah | Zech |
Zephaniah | Zeph |