«Правь, Британия, морями»? Политические дискуссии в Англии по вопросам внешней и колониальной политики в XVIII веке. Андрей Борисович Соколов
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      14. Holmes G. British Politics… P. 66.

      15. William III and Louis XIV. Essays 1680–1720. By and for M. A. Thompson / Ed. by R. Hatton and J. S. Browley. Liverpool. 1968. P. 135.

      16. Holmes G. The Making of a Great Power. P. 243.

      17. Horn D. B. Britain and Europe in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford..1967. P 17.

      18. Holmes G. British Politics… P. 64.

      19. Trevelyan G. M. Select Documents for Queen Anne’s Reign. Cambridge. 1929. P. VI–VII.

      20. JHL. V. XYI. P. 623.

      21. Parl. Hist. V. 5. C. 1270.

      22. Avenant Ch. Essays upon 1.Balance of Power. 2. The Right of Making War. Peace and Alliances. 3. Universal Monarchy. L., 1701. P. 55.

      23. The True Picture of Modern Whig. L., 1701. P. 33.

      24. Parl. Hist. V. 5. C. 1245.

      25. Hare Fr. The Allies and the Late Ministry Defended. L., 171 1. Part 1. P. 9.

      26. Parl. Hist. V. 5. C. 1250.

      27. Маркс К.. Энгельс Ф. Соч. 2-е изд. Т. 7. С. 219.

      28. Гуревич Я. Г. Война за испанское наследство и коммерческие интересы Англии. СПб., 1884.

      29. Ноrn D. B. Great Britain and Europe… P. 381.

      30. England’s Rise to Greatness / Ed. by St. Baxter. Berkerley. 1983. P. 151.

      31. Malcolm-Smith E. British Diplomacy in the Eighteenth Century 1700–1789. L., 1937. P. 16.

      32. British Politics and Society from Walpole to Pitt 1742–1789 / Ed. by J. Black. L., 1990. P. 166.

      33. Black J. British Foreign Policy in the Age of Walpole. Edinburg. 1985. P. 99.

      34. Jones J. R. Britain and World 1649–1815. Brighton. 1980. P. 14.

      35. Cm.: Bolingbroke. A Letter to Sir W. Windham. L., 1787. P. 216.

      36. Bolingbroke. A Collection of Political Tracts. L., 1775. P. 40.

      37. Parl. Hist. V. 5. C. 1238.

      38. Болингброк. Письма об изучении и пользе истории. М., 1978. С. 120.

      39. Characteristics of the Present Political State of Great Britain. L., 1758. P. 102.

      40. Studies in Diplomatic History / Ed by R. Hatton and M. S. Anderson. L., 1970. P. 197.

      41. Collection of Parliamentary Debates in England. V. 5. L., 1739. P. 136.

      42. Hare Fr. Op. cit. Part IV. P. 11; Barrington J. A. Dissuasive from Jacobism. L., 1713. P. 33.

      43. Болингброк. Письма… С. 139–140.

      44. Jones J. Op. cit. P. 160–162.

      45. ЦГАДА. Ф. 35. Оп. 1. Д. 306. Л. 7–8 об.

      46. Там же. JI. 81.

      47. Parl. Hist. V. 6. С. 607.

      48. РГАДА. Ф. 35. Оп. 1. Д. 317. Л. 1.

      49. Parl. Hist. V. 6. С. 961.

      50. См.: Ibid. С. 975–980.

      51. Ibid. С. 598.

      52. Queen Anne’s Navy. Documents Concerning the Administration of the Navy of Queen Anne / Ed. by R. Merriman. L., 1961. P. 340.

      53. Parliamentary Papers. V. l. L., 1797. P. 445.

      54. Queen Anne’s Navy. P. 363.

      55. Hare Fr. Op. cit. Part IV. P. 20–38.

      56. Richmond H. The Navy as an Instrument of Policy 1558–1727. Cambridge. 1953. P 360–361.

      57. Holmes G. British Politics… P. 70.

      58. British Diplomatic Instructions. V. 2. L., 1925. P. 43.

      59. Chamberlaine J. Magnae Britania Notitia. L., 1708. P. 48.

      60. Barrington J. The Revolution and Anti-Revolution Principles. L., 1714. P. 41.

      61. Black J. Natural and Necessary Enemies. P. 192.

      62. Parl. Hist. V. 6. P. 209–210.

      63. Proceedings and Debates in the British Parliament Respecting North America / Ed. by L. Stock V. IY. Washington. 1939. P. 363.

      64. Horn D. B. Great Britain and Europe… P. 100.

      65. International Historical Review. 1988. V. 10. N 4. P. 517–521.

      66. Roberts M. Splendid Isolation 1763–1770. L., 1972. P. 24.

      67. РГАДА. Ф. 35. Оп. 1. Д. 317. Л. 58 об.

      68. Political Tracts. L., 1729. P. 8.

      69. Bolingbroke. A Collection of Political Tracts. P. 14.

      70. The Works of J. Addison. V. 4. Birmingham. 1767. P. 297.

      71. Болингброк. Письма… С. 128.

      72. Coombs D. The Conduct of the Dutch. British Opinion and the Dutch Alliance during the War of the Spanish Succession. Hague. 1958. P. 49.

      73. The Prose Works of J. Swift. V. 6. Oxford. 1951. P. 28.

      74. JHC. V. XVII. P. 92.

      75. Cm.: Fisher St. The Portugal Trade 1700–1770. L., 1971.

      76. Francis A. The Methuens and Portugal. Cambridge. 1966. P. 154.

      77. An Impartial Inquire into the Management of the War in Spain. L., 1712. P. 17.

      78. Conn St. Gibraltar in British Diplomacy. New-Haven. 1942. P. 4.

      79. Steele R. Political Writings. L., 1715. P. 171.

      80. JHC. V. XIV. P. 291.

      81. The Prose Works of J. Swift. V. 6. P. 26.

      82. Parliamentary Papers. V. l. P. 459.

      83. Parl. Hist. V. 6. C .618.

      84. РГАДА. Ф. 35. Oп. 1. Д. 306. Л. 81.

      85. The Prose Works of J. Swift. V. 6. P. 34–35.

      86. СКАЧАТЬ