Men No Dzhen, aka Ahimura Hideo, aka Michael Zosimovich Dzhen. Victor Gryaznov
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Besides school I visited church. I want to tell some words about religion in our family. Mum was buddhist, the father and the big brother did not belong to any religion. They were followers Konfuciy. And mum drove me in Christian church. Should tell that church spiritual education has played the big positive role in my life.

      As I spoke, at me never was money, and I envied children who played games with coins. Once I have unlocked fathers the safe and took from it one rouble. It would suffice me for a long time. Has gone out of doors. Whence do not undertake, the cloud has flown. Also the thunder was distributed. I have thought that it is God have seen my offence and have become angry. Has headlong run home and has put money back. Has sworn to itself that such more never will repeat.

      In August, 1938 by radio have transferred about danger which proceeds from the USSR. About events on lake Hasan. As though incident was imposed by Russian. Losses of Japanese not the considerable.

      Then there was a collision on Halkin Goal. In this incident the Japanese army has suffered shattering defeat. Losses huge, it is killed fifty five thousand soldiers.

      After the fifth class us carry on excursion to Seoul. Though I also happened there earlier to parents, but with schoolmates is more cheerful. From-for wars the trip to Tokyo is cancelled, and we go to capital of Korea.

      The city is beautiful, especially in the evening. All on fires. Products and a delicacy a large quantity. Everything that is in the world, here is.

      High school student 1944

      We sing a song:

      In twilight the prospectus Dzhong Lo,

      Decline red,

      The sun is sad.

      Tenderly embraces favourite blossoming Seoul,

      Prompt dream it is sad leaves,

      These are pity female tears,

      The person is fine. But it is time my favourite to leave.

      The message that the USSR and Germany have halved Poland has come. In the newspaper the caricature is published. On it the communist from the North, and the fascist from the South a knife cut a meat piece. On meat an inscription-Poland.

      This damned war. From-for it life has developed difficult and strained.

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