Therapeutic massage and body oils
THERAPEUTIC AROMATIC MASSAGE is the main method used by professional aromatherapists, but it can also be practiced at home—either on oneself, or on a friend or partner. Body oils are best applied after a warm bath, when the pores of the skin are still open, to encourage rapid absorption.
For the purpose of massage or general application to the skin, a few drops of essential oil are always mixed with a larger measure of base or carrier oil, usually a light vegetable oil such as sweet almond oil or grapeseed oil. When preparing a body oil or massage oil, the dilution should be in the region of 5 to 30 drops of essential oil in a bottle of 2fl oz/50ml of base oil, depending upon the type of essential oil used and its specific purpose. For general massage purposes, a dilution of 2.5 percent (see here) is suitable for adult use. To calculate how much essential oil to add to a base oil, assess the amount of base oil in fluid ounces/millilitres and add half the number of drops of essential oil.
Standard dilution (2.5%)
Base Oil Amount | Essential Oil in Drops |
1 tsp/5ml | 2–3 |
1 tbsp/15ml | 6–7 |
1fl oz/25ml | 12–13 |
2fl oz/50ml | 25 |
3.5fl oz/100ml | 50 |
Special dilutions
For 2fl oz/50ml of base oil:
Blend Percentage | Essential Oil in Drops |
0.5% | 5 |
1% | 10 |
1.5% | 15 |
2% | 20 |
2.5% | 25 |
3% | 30 |
Vaporized oils and steam inhalation
ALL ESSENTIAL OILS are highly volatile, and evaporate or vaporize on exposure to air, giving off their aroma. In inhaling these aromas we absorb the essence in two ways: while the scent itself directly affects receptors in the brain, molecules of substances from the oils are absorbed into the bloodstream and circulated around the body. Many oils have a medicinal effect in the air itself as well as on the person breathing them, as they are powerful antiseptics that can kill airborne bacteria. Heating the oils speeds up their evaporation rate.
Purpose-made ceramic or metal vaporizers are now readily available in specialty shops and some health stores. A few drops of essential oil are put in the bowl of the burner and a night-light is then placed underneath, causing the oil to heat up and evaporate. A little water can be mixed with the oil in the bowl to slow down the evaporation rate if required. Because they have a naked flame, vaporizers of this type should be kept well out of reach of children or pets.
Useful oils for vaporizers
To disinfect a sickroom: Eucalyptus, Myrrh, Thyme, Pine, Tea tree. To freshen the air and cheer the spirits: Basil, Bergamot, Lavender. To keep insects at bay: Citronella, Geranium. For sensual perfume: Black pepper, Clary sage. To clear the head and mind: Hyssop, Marjoram, Peppermint
This traditional vaporizer uses a night light.
Electric diffuser
An electric diffuser is more expensive to buy than a ceramic or metal vaporizer, but has the advantage of not needing a naked flame to generate the heat. This makes it more suitable for night use, especially in children’s bedrooms. In addition, many electric diffusers have a variety of settings to adjust the rate of evaporation. Such diffusers are readily available through specialist aromatherapy suppliers.
Vaporized essential oils can be used for various purposes: a penetrating oil such as sweet basil to scent a room and dispel unwanted odors; an antiseptic oil such as eucalyptus to rid a room of germs in cases of infectious illness; insecticides such as citronella to repel mosquitoes and other insects; steam inhalation, using an oil such as rosemary, for respiratory disorders. The five main methods of assisting the vaporization of essential oils are described in detail below.
Light bulb ring
A very easy and cheap way of vaporizing essential oils is to use a ceramic or metal light bulb ring. Simply put a few drops of essential oil into the ring, place on top of a light bulb, then switch the light on. Please see the warning below for safety.
Do not apply essential oils directly to a light bulb, as this can cause the bulb to explode.
Inhaling vaporized essential oils, such as peppermint, from a bowl of steaming-hot water is a simple way to treat respiratory infections.
Steam inhalation
Vaporizing an essential oil using hot water as a medium is especially valuable for respiratory conditions, such as whooping cough. It can also be used to help to keep up the humidity levels in centrally heated rooms. For environmental purposes, simply add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water placed on a radiator or any other source of heat.
Direct steam inhalation is especially suited to congested sinus, throat, and chest infections. Soaking in a steaming hot bath to which have been added 5 or 6 drops of expectorant oils such as myrtle or rosemary, which are both nonirritating to the skin, helps to clear congestion. This method also acts as a kind of facial steam or sauna: the use of cleansing, antiseptic oils such as tea tree can help unblock the pores and clear the complexion of minor blemishes.
Inhalation for a cold
Add about 5 drops of a decongestant essential oil such as peppermint to a bowl of steaming water, cover the head with a towel, and breathe deeply for three minutes, keeping the eyes closed.
Scented fabrics
A simple technique to help combat coughs and colds is СКАЧАТЬ