Collins Rhyming Dictionary. Rosalind Fergusson
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Название: Collins Rhyming Dictionary

Автор: Rosalind Fergusson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Справочная литература: прочее


isbn: 9780007588947


СКАЧАТЬ brings, clings, kings, Kings, rings, sings, springs, strings, swings, things, wings, * Palm Springs, * Alice Springs, waterwings, underthings, etc.

      17.37 binge, cringe, dinge, fringe, hinge, minge, singe, springe, swinge, whinge, tinge, twinge, * unhinge, impinge, syringe, infringe, * scavenge, challenge, orange, Orange, lozenge

      17.38 mince, prince, quince, rinse, since, Vince, wince, * convince, evince, * province, * Port-au-Prince

       They dined on mince, and slices of quince,

       Which they ate with a runcible spoon.


      17.39 bint, clint, Clint, dint, flint, Flint, glint, hint, lint, mint, print, skint, splint, sprint, squint, stint, tint, * reprint, imprint, * catmint, varmint, spearmint, enprint, reprint, skinflint, imprint, misprint, offprint, voiceprint, thumbprint, footprint, blueprint, newsprint, * aquatint, peppermint, mezzotint, fingerprint, overprint, wunderkind, * Septuagint

      17.40 Clint’s, flints, glints, hints, chintz, splints, squints, tints, etc.

      17.41 plinth, * absinthe, helminth, Corinth, * labyrinth, terebinth, hyacinth

      17.42 bins, Binns, chins, fins, Finns, grins, Lynn’s, quins, shins, sins, skins, spins, tins, twins, * unpins, begins, * Jacobins, Jacqueline’s, Madeleine’s, mandolins, Carolyn’s, mandarins, Catherine’s, ramekins, mannequins, Capuchins, terrapins, nectarines, Benjamin’s, medicines, heroines, Bedouins, litter bins, withershins, crinolines, vitamins, violins, moccasins, origins, underpins, bulletins, * amphetamines, etc.

      17.43 blip, chip, clip, dip, drip, flip, grip, gyp, hip, kip, lip, nip, pip, Pip, quip, rip, scrip, ship, sip, skip, slip, snip, strip, tip, trip, Tripp, whip, zip, * unhip, unclip, unzip, unship, transship, reship, equip, nonslip, nondrip, round trip, outstrip, * landslip, handgrip, catnip, flagship, parsnip, starship, clerkship, hardship, harelip, hairgrip, airstrip, airship, mayorship, pay slip, day trip, spaceship, felt-tip, headship, friendship, turnip, Worsnip, circlip, worship, sheep-dip, steamship, wing tip, fillip, Philip, gymslip, film strip, kinship, kingship, Ruislip, sideslip, lightship, oxlip, gossip, longship, horsewhip, warship, lordship, wardship, courtship, cowslip, township, rosehip, bunyip, gunship, judgeship, bullwhip, wood chip, julep, tulip, Q-ship, troopship, * trusteeship, * battleship, captainship, Gaza Strip, partnership, marksmanship, craftsmanship, draughtsmanship, chairmanship, paperclip, statesmanship, salesmanship, gamesmanship, ladyship, sailing ship, membership, censorship, lectureship, penmanship, fellowship, bursarship, workmanship, kirby grip, speakership, leadership, readership, dealership, chieftainship, seamanship, re-equip, fingertip, filter tip, brinkmanship, skinny-dip, pillowslip, fibre-tip, biochip, microchip, scholarship, sponsorship, consulship, comradeship, rocket ship, authorship, horsemanship, sportsmanship, swordsmanship, ownership, showmanship, mother ship, toodle-pip, tutorship, viewership, stewardship, studentship, * companionship, commandership, dictatorship, curatorship, relationship, acquaintanceship, electorship, directorship, professorship, self-censorship, apprenticeship, receivership, musicianship, discipleship, co-ownership, conductorship, instructorship, one-upmanship, * championship, managership, admiralship, magistrateship, landownership, chancellorship, cardinalship, guardianship, partisanship, emperorship, treasurership, generalship, premiership, editorship, presidentship, residentship, deputyship, Möbius strip, ministership, principalship, silicon chip, citizenship, laureateship, Freudian slip, governorship, * ambassadorship, librarianship, executorship, proprietorship, associateship, custodianship, * entrepreneurship, * interrelationship

      17.44 chips, clips, Cripps, drips, hips, lips, Phipps, pips, Pip’s, quips, ships, sips, snips, strips, thrips, tips, trips, whips, zips, * unclips, unzips, ellipse, eclipse, equips, * Mendips, felt-tips, wing tips, fillips, Philips, Philip’s, gymslips, film strips, tin snips, horsewhips, warships, lordships, * amidships, athwartships, * fingertips, filter tips, Mr Chips, fish and chips, pillowslips, scholarships, rocket ships, * relationships, apprenticeships, apocalypse, etc.

      17.45 chipped, clipped, crypt, dipped, dripped, flipped, gripped, nipped, ripped, script, shipped, sipped, skipped, slipped, stripped, tipped, whipped, * unclipped, conscript, unzipped, decrypt, encrypt, equipped, outstripped, close-lipped, * transcript, harelipped, prescript, Egypt, typescript, conscript, horsewhipped, cork-tipped, postscript, subscript, * manuscript, well-equipped, filtertipped, ill-equipped, nondescript, unequipped, eucalypt, superscript, etc.

      17.46 bliss, Bliss, Chris, diss, Diss, hiss, kiss, kris, miss, Miss, piss, sis, Swiss, this, * abyss, amiss, near miss, dehisce, remiss, dismiss, * cannabis, avarice, ambergris, Salamis, Charteris, armistice, artifice, Artemis, emphasis, precipice, edifice, benefice, reminisce, emesis, Nemesis, genesis, Genesis, berberis, chrysalis, liquorice, clitoris, hit-and-miss, synthesis, prejudice, diocese, cockatrice, orifice, cowardice, * Annapolis, metastasis, catalysis, paralysis, analysis, dialysis, Persepolis, ephemeris, mons veneris, parenthesis, diaeresis, antithesis, psoriasis, archdiocese, Acropolis, necropolis, metropolis, hypothesis, hydrolysis, autolysis, * Minneapolis, sui generis, overemphasis, underemphasis, epididymis, photosynthesis, satyriasis, megalopolis, electrolysis, metamorphosis, * Indianapolis, psychoanalysis, microanalysis, haemodialysis, annus mirabilis, parthenogenesis, annus horribilis, elephantiasis

       You must remember this,

       A kiss is still a kiss.


      17.47 bisque, brisk, disc, disk, fisc, frisk, risk, whisk, * asterisk, tamarisk, basilisk, obelisk, compact disc, floppy disk

      17.48 crisp, lisp, wisp, * will-o’-the-wisp

      17.49 cist, cyst, fist, gist, grist, hissed, hist, kissed, list, Liszt, missed, mist, pissed, schist, tryst, twist, whist, wist, wrist, * unkissed, assist, persist, subsist, consist, delist, demist, enlist, dismissed, encyst, insist, desist, resist, exist, * naturalist, nationalist, rationalist, capitalist, separatist, federalist, negativist, relativist, liberalist, minimalist, militarist, spiritualist, Oliver Twist, positivist, structuralist, monetarist, * sensationalist, materialist, imperialist, traditionalist, industrialist, * conversationalist, Congregationalist, educationalist, individualist, agriculturalist, horticulturalist, etc.

      17.50 bish, Bysshe, dish, fish, Frisch, Gish, pish, squish, swish, Trish, wish, * Irish, boyish, * Cavendish, damselfish, angelfish, babyish, jellyfish, feverish, silverfish, gibberish, lickerish, liverish, spinsterish, kittenish, minidish, killifish, tomboyish, butter dish, cuttlefish, womanish, * impoverish

      17.51 bit, Brit, chit, fit, flit, git, grit, hit, it, kit, knit, lit, mitt, nit, pit, Pitt, quit, Schmidt, shit, sit, skit, slit, spit, split, Split, squit, tit, twit, whit, Whit, wit, writ, zit, * unfit, alit, unlit, de Witt, acquit, commit, permit, submit, admit, unknit, transmit, refit, keep-fit, relit, resit, befit, mishit, emit, remit, legit, tight-knit, op. cit., outwit, omit, close-knit, * aquavit, candlelit, apposite, manumit, favourite, baby-sit, megabit, preterite, Messerschmitt, benefit, definite, plebiscite, deficit, requisite, Jesuit, perquisite, recommit, resubmit, readmit, retransmit, Hindemith, hypocrite, infinite, Inuit, opposite, composite, floruit, conduit, Duraglit®, counterfeit, Photofit®, Chuzzlewit, cuckoo spit, * Plantagenet, banana split, Identikit®, indefinite, prerequisite, * lickety-split, overcommit

       Do not adultery commit;

       Advantage rarely comes of it.


      17.52 СКАЧАТЬ