The Proper Wife. Winnie Griggs
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Название: The Proper Wife

Автор: Winnie Griggs

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ into a large bowl in what looked to be the correct proportions. “Now you just stir that up until it’s all mixed together and the lumps are gone.” She gave the girl a challenging look. “It may take a while to get it just right. Think you’re up to it?”

      “Oh yes. You can count on me.”

      Sadie gave her a big smile. “I know I can. You and I make a pretty good team.”

      Rolling up her sleeves, Sadie stepped over to the splatter and got down on her knees. At least this chore was one she was confident she could accomplish well.

      A few minutes later she dropped the last of the larger shards into the trash pail and wiped the back of her hand across her forehead. “How’s it coming?” she asked Penny.

      “There’s still a few lumps, but I’m getting close.”

      “Good. Guess I’d better check on the stew before I finish up here.” She certainly didn’t want to scorch supper the way she had last night. Who knew a roast could go from pink to charred so fast?

      She put her hands on her thighs, prepared to stand. But her shoe caught on the hem of her skirt and she came down hard, landing on her backside with a jarring thud.

      “Oh!” Penny’s exclamation rang with anxiety.

      But before Sadie could tell her she was okay, the door pushed open and Eli Reynolds stepped through. Sadie groaned inwardly. Of all times for her biggest critic to show up.

      “Have you seen—” Penny’s brother halted midsentence, his expression turning to a mix of surprise and something else she couldn’t quite identify from this distance.

      Then he crossed the room, bearing down on her with long, quick strides that took her aback.

      “Sadie fell,” Penny proclaimed worriedly. “I don’t know if she’s hurt.”

      “I’m fine.” Even if she hadn’t been, Sadie would never have hinted otherwise. She ignored the urge to rub her now-tender backside. If only he would just go away and leave her to recover her wounded dignity in private.

      She stared up from her less-than-dignified position as he knelt beside her, waiting for the inevitable censure. Instead, he met her gaze with a concern that took her completely by surprise. “Are you sure you’re not hurt?”

      She blinked, not quite certain how to react to this softer side of the man. “Yes, I mean, there’s no need—”

      Why in the world was she stammering? She took a deep breath then offered a self-mocking smile. “The only thing smarting at the moment is my pride.”

      He studied her a moment longer, then offered a hand. “In that case, here, let me help you up.”

      She allowed him to take her elbow, liking the feel of his strong, protective grip. When he placed his other hand at her back to steady her, she decided, that yes, she liked this very much indeed.

      “You’re bleeding!”

      Penny, her complexion ashen, was pointing to Sadie’s hand.

      Sadie stared at the thin ribbon of blood running from her palm as if it belonged to someone else. Then she turned back to Penny. “It’s all right, princess. I must have put my hand on a bit of crockery when I fell. But it doesn’t hurt. Truly.”

      Mr. Reynolds intervened. “Just to be certain, let’s clean it up and have a look.”

      “Oh, that’s not necess—”

      He caught her gaze and tilted his head ever so slightly toward Penny. “I think everyone will feel better if I do.”

      Penny nodded. “You don’t have to worry, Aunt Sadie. Eli’s real good at making boo-boos feel better.”

      She saw his brow go up at Penny’s use of ‘Aunt Sadie’ but he let it pass without comment. Warmed by the thought that he took time to address his sister’s ‘boo-boos’, she allowed him to steer her towards the sink.

      Even as she followed docilely along, though, Sadie again tried to make light of her injury. “Truly, it’s just a little cut.”

      “Best to be safe.” He carefully extended her hand over the sink, filled a dipper with water, then looked up. “Ready?”

      Seeing reassurance instead of disapproval in those cool gray eyes of his was a new experience for Sadie, one she found she rather enjoyed. Then she realized he was waiting for her response. “Ready,” she answered.

      He gave her an approving smile, then slowly poured the water over the cut. It was strange to feel him holding her hand like this. His own hand was smoother than those of the ranch hands she was used to, but not soft in a namby-pamby way. She sensed strength there and an unexpected protectiveness.

      “Looks like there’s a sliver embedded in your palm.” He glanced up and met her gaze again. “This might hurt a bit. I’ll make it quick.”

      She nodded. Staring at his bent head, she noticed the way his hair tended to curl around his ear, how his brow wrinkled slightly when he was concentrating. His expression shifted and she saw the flicker of concern as he caught hold of the offending sliver, then the small spurt of triumph mixed with relief as he pulled it free.


      She blinked and it took her moment to realize he was apologizing for any discomfort his actions had caused her. “I hardly felt a thing.” Which was the absolute truth as far as the cut was concerned.

      Penny held out a bit of cloth. Sadie had been so riveted by Eli that she hadn’t noticed Penny had crossed the room. “You can use this for a bandage,” she said to her brother.

      “Of course.” He took the cloth from her and again his touch was gentle and sure as he wrapped her palm in the makeshift bandage.

      “Thank you.” Was that soft voice hers?

      He cradled her hand a moment longer as his gaze caught on hers.

      And held.

      For several long, breath-stealing moments.

      Chapter Three

      “Wild wiggly worms, what happened in here?”

      At the sound of Danny’s horrified question, Eli abruptly released Miss Lassiter’s hand and they both spun around.

      He straightened his cuffs, trying to regain his composure. Surely Cora Beth’s brother didn’t think—

      A heartbeat later he realized Danny was staring, not at the two of them, but at the mess on the floor.

      “Just a little accident with the honey crock,” Miss Lassiter explained. “Nothing to get all excited about.”


      “It doesn’t really matter who dropped it. What’s done is done.”

      Eli raised a brow at her hasty interruption. Did she СКАЧАТЬ