Your Tarot Predictions for 2015. Karmel Nair
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Название: Your Tarot Predictions for 2015

Автор: Karmel Nair

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9789351066781


СКАЧАТЬ don’t get too carried away with all the spending and trying to lure the opposite sex because this might land you in trouble. Don’t let temptations possess you. Everything done in moderation is good, be it spending or romancing. A situation is likely to arise where you might have to leave your comfort zone to follow your dream (a new job, a passion or marriage that calls for relocation). If so, don’t feel bitter about such small sacrifices and take up the challenge for it’ll be ultimately for your own good.

      June – June brings success at work and work related tasks. People will generally look up to you and follow your verdict without question. Success in new projects, promotions, incentives and rewards are likely to flow in. You will be embarking on the path to glory and power. You will feel like a king with your subjects praising you for everything you do, delegate and execute. Your superiors and contemporaries too will be supportive of you.

      June is especially good for love. If you are a female Arian, you are likely to find true love now. Nurture this relationship well, since it will go a long way. Ambition and love will be the two sides of the same coin. Flip it either way and you will only get success.

      July – July is the month to feel good about yourself and take some pride in the work you do. This month will be promising for work as in the last. In fact a message is to come, a message of betterment, positive news that will charge you up and increase your efficiency and productivity. You must give yourself a pat on your back for doing professionally well in July. To focus on other aspects of life, July will be the time to take an epic decision. You will have to evaluate all the options and choices, resolve the internal conflict in your head and make this decision. The best thing to do here is to use your intuition. Not all decisions are matters of the head; some are of the heart too. Decide right, although I see you going wrong here and breaking your heart. Deceptions and disappointment may trouble you emotionally in your personal life. Now that you know what awaits you, I advise you to change this negative outcome by putting in the right efforts needed to arrive at a desirable future.

      August – August is a challenging month. The first of its kind so far in your yearly reading. I see theft happening. Theft, big or small, of money or credit, of love and spirit. Someone somewhere is out there to steal from you, to discredit you or to backstab you or simply cause disharmony and chaos in your life. So beware. This could be correlated to your difficulty in handling two opposite elements and trying to work out a balance between them. Like for instance two difficult bosses, two friends who are giving opposite kinds of advice. Something of this sort is likely to land you in a pickle. One of these two opposite elements might just be the thief. Apparently I see you doing fairly well in handling this messy situation. You will balance it out well and will also do a fairly good job at giving it proper closure. If there is litigation involved in your life around this time, you are likely to win it. Work related news that you have been awaiting for a long time will come through in August.

      September – September is a good month for you dear Emperor. Although you may feel bored initially with the routine responsibilities and activities, especially on the emotional front, things will change later and for your good. Relationships might get boring and seem saturated. But this is just a phase and will therefore pass. Rather than jump to conclusions, be patient with your counterpart in all types of relationships. This will do much good, and fortunately, as I see, you would be doing just that. A new message, a happy one, or a new idea is likely to excite you and bring about a positive change. From here on September only gets better. I see this positive change bringing in wealth, fortune from a sudden event or a sudden shift in your destiny. This month also looks positive for a home purchase or marriage.

      October – October starts off as a busy month. Your marriage or your home purchase keeps you busy with instant expenditure in all aspects—money, time and effort. Enjoy this phase but avoid overspending and collecting debts. Moderation is advised.

      However, difficult times come in the form of difficult decisions to be made in October. You might have to leave a relationship, a job or a home that you love for your own betterment. This you will have to do because it is not working for you. While doing this safeguard yourself from being cheated emotionally, professionally or monetarily. I see you at your fairest and doing well in decisions where justice is required. Basically, October ends well with you playing a fair game.

      November – November is a time to take a break. You have been working very hard and deserve a break for this. Pat your back for all the efforts you have put in matters of head and heart. This month I see you spacing out a bit; it will do you good. A new assignment or a new job offer is likely to come in, so don’t get too overwhelmed. Finish with the break and then submit yourself to new tasks. In matters of love you will be perceived as a very attractive person this time around. Fatal attractions are likely to happen, in a positive sense. If you are in a relationship already you are likely to do better in it and if you are single, then you are at a point of attracting true love. Do not restrict yourself from doing this for I see you holding back. Just break free and make the most of this phase. Don’t over assume or be negative towards the good that is to come. Love it and embrace it.

      December – December is the beginning of the end, obviously also because we are at the end of the year. Now is the time to let go, to give closure to everything that hasn’t worked out well in 2015. I see you painfully letting go of difficult relationships and situations. You will fight the odds and come out victorious like the Emperor who wins a war. This month is very rewarding emotionally because you will manifest everything that makes you happy. You will be emotionally more stable, ready to take on a new year and will make the most of this month as it will be the best time to cheer with family, friends and loved ones. I see you taking a break, a vacation to clear your head, your heart, and more importantly, to celebrate the New Year. You will be all out for a reunion or a gathering of your own or of someone important to you. Go forth and make merry. You deserve this celebration.

      Hope this monthly prediction has brought clarity to what you could expect from 2015. If you are pleased with what has been predicted in your Monthly Readings, I am glad I could be of help in unravelling the future. However, if you are disappointed with what’s been revealed, like I have said before in the introductory chapters, you can turn it around by using this as a guideline.

      In the next sections, we will discuss each of the five aspects of life in detail. We begin with the first and I consider this to be more important than the rest. Love. Without love, life is not worth living. I am sure you will be curious to know what is in store for you in your Love relationships. With this we begin our next chapter.

      Love is beautiful, blissful. It completes your life. If you are single and have been waiting to meet your soul mate, then read on to find out if this really happens in 2015. If you are already married or in a relationship, then you should definitely read on to know how this relationship will shape up. I have structured this chapter according to the four quarters of the year 2015. Each paragraph is dedicated to a quarter.

      January-February-March – Brilliant beginning for love in 2015! If you are already in a relationship, then I see you feeling comfortable in it in the first quarter. Everything that you desired from a relationship is already there; stability, love and freedom of speech. There will be equality and balance in your relationship, an important element of every successful partnership. Be more vocal about your love and express it to your partner. They will appreciate it.

      Now if you are looking for love, don’t go too far. The one you are looking for is already part of your life. It’s all about giving that person a fair chance. If you were concerned about love and romantic linkups, then don’t be. Love is at hand and things are likely to shape up pretty well for you. The only problem here is that I see СКАЧАТЬ