Little Wolf’s Book of Badness. Ian Whybrow
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Название: Little Wolf’s Book of Badness

Автор: Ian Whybrow

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Природа и животные


isbn: 9780007458554


СКАЧАТЬ do you know it?”

      He said, “My boy, I was a teacher in that school many a full moon ago! Your uncle and I used to be partners! Can you really be the nephew of that nasty mean bad horrid crook?”

      I said a proud “Yes”.

      The fox told me more. He and Uncle Bigbad met ages ago in Broken Tooth Caves when they were both hiding from the police. Uncle had the idea to stay out of sight in Frettnin Forest and start a school for bad beasts. He promised Mister Twister that if he worked hard, teaching the naughty pupils everything he knew, he would soon be rich.

      Mister Twister said, “My boy, it was dreadful. The pupils never gave me a moment’s peace! They were most awfully sly and squirmy, all those little skunks and stoats and rattlesnakes and cubs! How they got on my nerves, those spoilt little brutes! And what a fuss their horrid parents made, always wanting to know when their ghastly offspring would be getting their BAD badges! They quite wore me out. But when I asked your uncle for some money, just enough to allow me to take a short holiday, he threatened to eat me!”

      I said, “What did he say?”

      Mister Twister said, “He told me to get out and he said that if I ever put a paw in his school again, he would boil my bones and serve me up as soup.”

      I said, “Oo-er!”

      The fox said, “So you see, your uncle is a miser and a cheat. He has bags of money hidden away but he will not part with a penny of it. You would be unwise, my boy, to leave Borderlands Market. What is more, Frettnin Forest is a SHOCKING place, dismal, dark and lonely. Your Uncle Bigbad is dangerous. He has a terrible temper. In short, he is Mister Mean. My strong advice to you, my boy, is STAY AWAY FROM CUNNING COLLEGE!”

      I said, “Yikes, you have got a point!”

      Yours having a good think,

      Still Day 8

      I am a bit confused and bothered. Mister Twister wants me to stay with him for ever and be his dresser-upper. Sometimes I think Oh yes, nice idea because one day I could have a stall of my own. Next thing, I think Yes, but what about learning the 9 Rules of Badness? If I do not, how will I get a BAD badge and keep up the good name of Wolf?

      But Mister Twister has got me worried about Uncle. I mean, about boiling him up as soup. If he is going to make soup out of his large friend, what will he make out of a small nephew he has never met? Will I be his special pupil or just a sausage in a sandwich?

      Yours nervously,

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